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Housing Add-on Tavern Cellar

Jan 16, 2010
Will you please make a housing add-on cellar -- like the witchdoctor's lab -- that lets you go see all your companions (not just a few at a time like world taverns), pick up promotion quests, etc. A place that is in your own home and lets you move them to stand where you want them for screen shots. A place where you can run around them and watch their idol animations. This way you can change who stands where for pictures but not actually take these companions out of your roster. Also it gives you more freedom to stop and promote -- it would sometimes be much easier to go home to promote than find the nearest tavern.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
I like the idea of the tavern cellar add-on, and the idea of having our companions there for photos. However, with the new mark-and-recall feature going to a tavern will no longer be such a hassle.

Jun 02, 2013
thats basically a teleport to a tavern button since no one cares about there homes unless there maxed
well i did my home up nice at least

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
witchdoctor daruis on May 4, 2014 wrote:
thats basically a teleport to a tavern button since no one cares about there homes unless there maxed
well i did my home up nice at least
You are making quite the assumption there. I have seen some very beautifully decorated homes of some very low level pirates. We all have different interests and can flourish wonderfully no matter which way we go.

First Mate
Mar 30, 2011
What would a housing add-on tavern cellar look like? Will it be able to hold the same number of companions as normal tavern cellars? Or all our companions? XD I wish we could let our companions roam free around our islands.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Noble Tyler Strong on May 5, 2014 wrote:
What would a housing add-on tavern cellar look like? Will it be able to hold the same number of companions as normal tavern cellars? Or all our companions? XD I wish we could let our companions roam free around our islands.
If they were roaming free in our homes, they wouldn't be with us. Just as placing a pet or mount in a home removes them from our backpack, we wouldn't be able to access them for battle or tasks.