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Skill List 65-75

Jul 09, 2009
67: Archer’s Will Rank 1
Bonus 20% armor and resist when health falls below 50%

68: Bayonet Brigade
+15% Damage boost to all agility based allies
Duration: 5 rounds
Range: Entire team

70: Smoke Trigger
-45% accuracy to one target
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: Infinite

72: Tempest Shot
X2 Damage to enemies in a “+” formation + 10% chance of stunning
Duration: Instant + 1 round
Range: (Based on weapons range)

74: Frost Round
X2 Damage to enemies in an “x” formation + 10% chance of slowing (-2 movement range)
Duration: instant + 2 rounds
Range: (Based on weapon's range)

75: Militia Bombardment
x2 Damage to enemies in 3x3 square pattern + minor damage to enemies who engage
Duration: Instant + 2 rounds
Range: 5
*Note: The minor damage effect acts like overwatch. It activates when the enemy engages and stay in the user’s range. Unless they are out of the user’s range, they’ll take minor damage for 2 rounds.

67: Grand Finale rank 1
+1 critical chance when health falls below 50%

68: Swashbuckler’s Mist
+15% pierce to adjacent allies
Duration: 5 rounds
Range: Adjacent allies

70: Silent Strike
X3 damage + hidden
Duration: Instant + 3 rounds
Range: 1 Movement range

72: Shadow Puppet
Duplicate puppet of user is placed on arena. puppet absorbs 45% of damage dealt to user.
Duration: 5 rounds
Range: 5
*Note: the puppet can be destroyed before it reaches it 5 round expatriation. It cannot attack, nor can it move around the map. It cannot be buffed, this includes healing. Its health is 75% of the user.

74: Enchanted Poison
X2.5 + poison and slows enemy (-2 movement range)
Duration: Instant + 2 rounds
Range: 1 Movement range
*Note: Initial hit deals magical damage instead of physical.
75: Swamp Smog
Prevents buffing and healing on one target
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: 4

67: Buccaneer’s Battle Cry
-15% All incoming attacks + entire team gains 1 movement range
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: Entire team
68: Spartan Tackle
X2 Damage + -10% armor on enemy
Duration: Instant + 2 rounds
Range: 1 movement range
70: Piercing Blade
X1 Damage to selected target + remove 1 damage protection buff.
Duration: Instant
Range: 1 Movement range

72: Sweeping Fury
Team epic! Bladestorm [1]
Duration: 3
Range: Entire team
74: Barbaric Hope!
+10% pierce and +15% armor buff
Duration: 2 rounds
Range: Self only
75: Warrior’s Iron Forge
+25% damage boost to self
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: Self only

Please give suggestions on making these better. Constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks for your time. Enjoy! I also hope Ki takes this skill list into consideration. Feedback from Ratbeard would be awesome!I gave each class, besides the buccaneer class since they already have turn the tide, their own class talent. These talents are not trainable by other classes. (Witchdoctor and Privateer skill lists will be added soon).

Jul 09, 2009
Lucas Walker on Jun 25, 2013 wrote:
67: Archer’s Will Rank 1
Bonus 20% armor and resist when health falls below 50%

68: Bayonet Brigade
+15% Damage boost to all agility based allies
Duration: 5 rounds
Range: Entire team

70: Smoke Trigger
-45% accuracy to one target
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: Infinite

72: Tempest Shot
X2 Damage to enemies in a “+” formation + 10% chance of stunning
Duration: Instant + 1 round
Range: (Based on weapons range)

74: Frost Round
X2 Damage to enemies in an “x” formation + 10% chance of slowing (-2 movement range)
Duration: instant + 2 rounds
Range: (Based on weapon's range)

75: Militia Bombardment
x2 Damage to enemies in 3x3 square pattern + minor damage to enemies who engage
Duration: Instant + 2 rounds
Range: 5
*Note: The minor damage effect acts like overwatch. It activates when the enemy engages and stay in the user’s range. Unless they are out of the user’s range, they’ll take minor damage for 2 rounds.

67: Grand Finale rank 1
+1 critical chance when health falls below 50%

68: Swashbuckler’s Mist
+15% pierce to adjacent allies
Duration: 5 rounds
Range: Adjacent allies

70: Silent Strike
X3 damage + hidden
Duration: Instant + 3 rounds
Range: 1 Movement range

72: Shadow Puppet
Duplicate puppet of user is placed on arena. puppet absorbs 45% of damage dealt to user.
Duration: 5 rounds
Range: 5
*Note: the puppet can be destroyed before it reaches it 5 round expatriation. It cannot attack, nor can it move around the map. It cannot be buffed, this includes healing. Its health is 75% of the user.

74: Enchanted Poison
X2.5 + poison and slows enemy (-2 movement range)
Duration: Instant + 2 rounds
Range: 1 Movement range
*Note: Initial hit deals magical damage instead of physical.
75: Swamp Smog
Prevents buffing and healing on one target
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: 4

67: Buccaneer’s Battle Cry
-15% All incoming attacks + entire team gains 1 movement range
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: Entire team
68: Spartan Tackle
X2 Damage + -10% armor on enemy
Duration: Instant + 2 rounds
Range: 1 movement range
70: Piercing Blade
X1 Damage to selected target + remove 1 damage protection buff.
Duration: Instant
Range: 1 Movement range

72: Sweeping Fury
Team epic! Bladestorm [1]
Duration: 3
Range: Entire team
74: Barbaric Hope!
+10% pierce and +15% armor buff
Duration: 2 rounds
Range: Self only
75: Warrior’s Iron Forge
+25% damage boost to self
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: Self only

Please give suggestions on making these better. Constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks for your time. Enjoy! I also hope Ki takes this skill list into consideration. Feedback from Ratbeard would be awesome!I gave each class, besides the buccaneer class since they already have turn the tide, their own class talent. These talents are not trainable by other classes. (Witchdoctor and Privateer skill lists will be added soon).
Witchdoctor and Privateer Skill lists:

67: Empowerment Rank 1
Bonus 10% spooky talent when health falls below 50%

68: Spirit Breaker
Minor damage + -25% agility, strength, or will on one enemy
Duration: instant + 3 rounds
Range: infinite
*Note: The debuff effect that comes with this power is decided by what class the target is. So if the target is a buccaneer using a shooty weapon, they’d lose strength, not agility.

70: Hex Storm
+25% Damage to enemies in 3x3 square pattern + 15% spooky to caster
Duration: instant + 1 round
Range: 4

72: Weaken Morale
-25% damage on one target
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: Infinite

74: Mojo Shield
User defends all incoming damage using will
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: Self only

75: Power Lock
Major damage to an enemy + random debuff
Duration: Instant + 1 round
Range: 5

67: Kingdom Rush rank 1
Bonus 10% to all incoming and outgoing heals when health falls below 50%

68: Grand Justice
+50% will + 20% healing to all adjacent allies over 5 rounds.
Duration: 5 rounds
Range: adjacent squares
*Note: the heal does not rely on will, like Second Wind, this power rely on how much damage has been dealt to the target(s)

70: Enlighten
+10% Boost on all incoming and outgoing heals to all allies
Duration: 3
Range: entire team

72 Heavy Fire
Minor barrage + - 15% accuracy and dodge to enemies in 3x3 square pattern
Duration: Instant + 2 rounds
Range: Infinite

74: Righteous Raid
Steal one damage protection buff
Duration: Instant
Range: Infinite

75: Seraph’s Blade
User takes 50% of their health. Prevents buff removal.
Duration: Initial + 3 rounds
Range: Adjacent allies
*Note: You cannot defend against the recoil damage, thus all damage protection buffs will have no effect against the recoil. The recoil damage is capable of landing critical hits.

Dec 19, 2012
i have never been a fan of player skill ideas because sometimes they will go over board with what a skill can do


I really like the Mojo Shield idea it doesn't seem game breaking doesn't seem like it would be overpowered in pvp.

I don't tbh see any reason this skill can't be taking into suggestion.

Most WDs i have seen have low will anyways (i know a few that have good will amounts) so other classes couldn't say it would be to overpowered plus there is already a class with a skill similar to this.

Jul 09, 2009
CaptainBlackBart on Jun 26, 2013 wrote:
i have never been a fan of player skill ideas because sometimes they will go over board with what a skill can do


I really like the Mojo Shield idea it doesn't seem game breaking doesn't seem like it would be overpowered in pvp.

I don't tbh see any reason this skill can't be taking into suggestion.

Most WDs i have seen have low will anyways (i know a few that have good will amounts) so other classes couldn't say it would be to overpowered plus there is already a class with a skill similar to this.
Thanks for the feedback! Any thoughts on the other skills? Anyone in particular you don't like/think could be better. Any others you do think are pretty well done? I'm glad you like Mojo Shield, it's a favorite of mine too!

Oct 15, 2010
I really like all of these ideas: they're very well thought out! I don't understand why these posts didn't get more attention. Even though I am a swashbuckler and would love these new abilities, I think they're a bit overpowered (even for swashes) compared to the other classes. I also like how all the classes get a boost for lower than 50% health, but maybe the Witchdoctor one could be better.

  • So Spirit Breaker is like a debuff Juju... Kind of. Interesting!
  • I'm guessing Hex Storm is a continuation of the "Mojo Blast" series?
  • I also like Mojo Shield, its like a reverse version of Mojo Blade.

  • Kingdom Rush. Hmm, where have I heard that before? ;)
  • So Grand Justice increases all friends' Will and Incoming Healing? Cool, incoming healing boosts haven't been put into Pirate101 yet- this would be cool!
  • And enlighten is incoming and outgoing. Also cool!
  • The only problem I have is that Heavy Fire does minor damage. Heavy Fire... Minor damage... Don't match up. Maybe major damage and the debuffs?

  • Bayonet Brigade- I'm not sure how it would determine if someone was agility-based or not, since combat hasn't done that before.
  • Tempest Shot, Frost Round, good continuations...
  • All the rest are cool!

  • I think Silent Strike is the most overpowered because then if you hide, you can't do epics, and if you do trigger epics, then they go out of hiding.
  • I think enchanted poison and Swamp Smog are the best, because they could be definitely be paired together to work better than the new poison that I can't remember the name of.


  • I like Buccaneer's Battle Cry! They needed a buff that wasn't strength or shield (correct me if I'm wrong, I don't have a buccaneer.)
  • The Iron Forge ability needs to be a bit better, since it can be easily outmatched by things like Walk in Shadows, which is 100% damage boost, not 25%.

Ok, I'm running out of characters to type in, but overall, these are really good and creative!

Apr 26, 2009
smoke trigger is underpowered... bayonet brigade o whatever is not really musketeer style.. its a buff.

Oct 15, 2010
Dead Eye Luke on Jul 1, 2013 wrote:
smoke trigger is underpowered... bayonet brigade o whatever is not really musketeer style.. its a buff.
Musketeers boost agility, correct?

Feb 12, 2012
Actually i like bayonet brigade as a musketeer. Yes, they could figure out if the companion was agility based- that's how the juju moves work for witchdoctor.