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Stabby/Shooty Weapons

Petty Officer
May 25, 2012
I'm as excited as everybody else for the new content, but I have a couple of questions about what's already here:

I just started using stabby/shooty weapons with my musketeer for a couple of reasons and also just to see how it would work out for me - I'm not unhappy about it.

Though my normal attacks are melee now, Quick Fire and Double Tap seem to have at least a two square range. Is that intentional, or the Sniper talent somehow sneaking its way in? I'm certainly not complaining about the usefulness (though graphically it's a little weird).

Secondly, I have seen mention of a Mustang Duelling Set weapon, and am curious if anyone can tell me what it looks like and where he or she got it.

Thanks very much, and see you all in the skyways!

Canny Matthew Tolliver, level 65
Able Caleb Tolliver, level 65

Petty Officer
May 25, 2012
Sorry. To be correct, the question is addressing Quick Draw and Double Tap (not quick fire, which isn't a thing) and whether those talents should have a 2 square range when using a shooty/stabby weapon.

Thank you.