name: anna wills class:swashbuckler orgin: mustang hero level 39 mustang swordmaster level 45 mustang champion level 65 weapon;a el toros sword but longer decoerotions on it with dragons that are red at first promo talents grand shadow dance sneak attack (at last promo) calm the troops (at first promo) critcal strike:straight stab in the stomch and roses fly over enemy (1st one) big punch with 12 strikes doing little damage(2nd one) turn invisble stabs in the back strikes while going in a circle slaping 4 times and cuts in a x direction with roses at the end first hit: a simple slash second hit; punchs and slashs in a circle third hit; 10 really quick hits with 4 slaps and a kiss Epics:rentless 3 cheap shot 2 AND second chance and riposte 2