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Pet training in Pirate101

Jan 27, 2013
There should be pet games to train or pet in Pirate101 like how there is in Wizard101. so the pet can learn moves and spells how we do.

Nov 17, 2012
Yeah! We need to EARN pets, not just farm for them!

May 06, 2009
I could go for that. I'd like to make some of my pets a little stronger. They could also have ages like Pets in Wizard101. Maybe Baby, Youth (Kid), Teen, Adult, and Elder.

For example, say I have the Orchird Chameleon and it's at Baby. It comes with First Strike. Now as I level it up through games, it's stats increase (Dodgy, Accuracy, Resistance, Armor, Damage, and Health). Like Companions, when it gets to a certain point, I can give it new talents to boost it's stats. So at Youth I could give a pet Tough, Rough, Lucky etc. At Teen, the pet gets a mini-promotion, it which it's First Strike becomes First Strike 2. Kinda simple.

What about Hatching? Should that come out? I kinda want to say no and leave it out, but we'll see what comes.

Oct 27, 2009
I like the pets as they are. I'm patient, but the training of pets in Wizard got to be a drag and work. I like being able to trade pets among my pirates and have them always be the right level for my pirate.

Mar 30, 2011
uhhhhhhh dude when they level they earn more dodge and health although mini promotions thats new

Gunner's Mate
Jan 06, 2011
No no no no no no no no.
Pet training in Wizard is horrible, the 2nd worst thing in the game (the worst being the way turns are handled in battle). The mini-games are fun for a while but it soon becomes a boring chore. Maybe they would do it better but I would rather see them fix it in Wizard before they add it to Pirate.

Jun 13, 2009
FIRE WIZARD101 on Jul 21, 2013 wrote:
There should be pet games to train or pet in Pirate101 like how there is in Wizard101. so the pet can learn moves and spells how we do.
No. Just no.

I think we're kept busy enough as it is. Besides I would not like to see Pirate101 and Wizard101 getting too similar. Same reason I'd vote gardening down.