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Privateer Companions

Dec 17, 2012
Why is it that Privateer Companions suffer from the lowest attack damage in the game. They don't receive bonuses like hold the line for buccaneers high accuracy like a musketeer or high dodge like a swashbuckler and they cant hit multiple targets at once like a witchdoctor. When it comes to Wing Chun and Lucky Jack Russell they can not even train in dodge and Wing Chun can not train in accuracy. You could say its because they get buffs or heals but Toro gets much better buffs than Wing Chun and Kan Po gets a great heal. There is nothing that makes a privateer companion stand out from the rest.
I would really like to see them improved and kept in line with the rest of the companions. Allow them to train dodge and accuracy or give them elusive to make up for the difference in dodge like adding turn the tide to all buccaneers. I love my Jack Russell and Wing Chun companions but there in a different league than other companions the hit point bonus for being privateer is negligible compared to a buccaneers and damage is the worst in the game.
Please show the privateer companions some love.

John Silver