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How do we transfer gold to my alt pirate?

Petty Officer
Apr 27, 2012
I want to transfer gold from my higher level pirate to another lower level one. How do I do this?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
sandy20850 on May 27, 2014 wrote:
I want to transfer gold from my higher level pirate to another lower level one. How do I do this?
You can't transfer gold but you can transfer any gear or furniture or anything that does not say "No Trade" to them and they can then sell it for their own gold.

Apr 28, 2012
Valkoor's reply in this thread seems to be the best way to transfer Gold. You also might want to consider what your other Pirates need in the way of equipment (ship equipment and gear). Of course, Houses, Ships and Companions can't be transferred between Pirates.

Good Luck!

Jun 16, 2009
I do not believe you can transfer gold. You can move items from one pirate to another, and sell them to generate gold, but gold itself is nontransferable.

Petty Officer
Apr 27, 2012
Well then, how do we transfer items to an alt pirate?

Apr 28, 2012
You transfer items between your Pirates by using your Shared Bank. There is a lot more information in the Player's Guide but here is the page about Banks and Shared Banks.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
sandy20850 on May 28, 2014 wrote:
Well then, how do we transfer items to an alt pirate?
Good question. Go to your dorm or house and into that chest called your Bank. One of the tabs is called your Shared Bank. Anything you put in there can be accessed by all your other pirates. Once you put something into the Shared Bank, log out and get on another pirate and go to their house or dorm and have them look into the Shared Bank and voila, the new stuff will be waiting for them.

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
sandy20850 on May 28, 2014 wrote:
Well then, how do we transfer items to an alt pirate?
Well, me my son's past kindergarten teacher used to say- "it's eazy-peazy, lemon squeezy".

First you will need to access your pirate's Bank with the pirate you wish to initiate the transfer- or in other words, the one passing the gear on to the other pirates.

To do this you must go to that pirate's Home, whether it be the default Bunkhouse in Avery's Court or a Fancy Dancy one that you have purchased from the Crown Shop or a Bundle and equipped from your Housing inventory. All you have to do is click the little House Icon in the lower left part of your screen and in a matter of seconds you will be in the comfort of your Home.

Next you will have to look for a Treasure Chest with the word BANK above it (along with some fancy little swirling colors). Interact with the Bank by pressing the X key on your keyboard or double clicking it with the left mouse button.

Your Bank interface screen will open up and you will notice on the left side of the screen are 3 vertical icons: Bank, Backpack and Shared Bank. On the bottom of the interface with be 3 horizontal Icons: Backpack, Shared Bank and Trash (sorry, no Oscar).

When you first open your Bank, by default all items currently in that pirate's Bank (that you are currently logged in with) will be displayed in the inventory to the right. If you want to transfer items from your current pirate's Bank to one of your other pirates, you simply find the item in the inventory, click on it and then click on the Shared Bank Icon at the bottom of the interface screen. The item will then be placed into the Shared Bank where all of your other pirates will have access to it by going to their respective houses and interacting with their bank.

To transfer an item from your current pirate's Backpack, you click on the Backpack icon on the left side of the Bank interface, then find the item you wish to transfer and again click the Shared Bank icon on the bottom of the Bank interface. The item will be removed from the current pirate's Backpack and placed into the Shared Bank for all of your pirates to have access to.

To receive the transferred gear/item(s), all you have to do is exit the game with the current pirate, select the pirate you wish to get the goods, click the House icon on the lower left and interact with that pirate's Bank once they are safe at Home.

Once the Bank is opened, Click on the Shared Bank icon from the vertical icons on the left and find the item in the inventory. You can then click on the 'new' pirate's Backpack from the horizontal icons at the bottom of the screen. The item will be placed and transferred to that pirate. Like Chrissy stated, not all items are Trade-able/transferrable.

And there you have it- FRESH SQUEEZED LEMONADE!

Sorry, if I way over explained this- I just wasn't sure how familiar you were with the whole Home/Bank aspects of the game. I thought it would be best to try to fully explain just in case.

Hope this helps and good luck to you!