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Epic Talent Mixes

May 12, 2010
As Bonnie Anne has gotten this brand new additional epic talent "Stock Assault" gained with her promotion, I was wondering if this is an introduction to more of these type of epics? I am typing this while in-game as i was reminded in The Halls of Minos about the vulture with Repel Assault ( Repel Boarders for Musketeers against Melee ). This says to me this may only be the beginning of these special new epic talents and I cant wait to see more. It would also be nice to know if these special epics will be added into other classes of players and companions. For example, Repel Magic or maybe Vengeance Burst. These are just made up ideas out of the blue but you get what I mean.

-Clever Dante Blake - 65

This question is brought to you by me ,
Dashing Austin Blake - 62 in The Halls of Minos.

Nov 23, 2011
It was interesting to see some new epic talents appear in the new expansion, and I too look forward to seeing more. It would certainly be possible for some of these talents to become available to existing companions (and our characters) as a result of future promotions.
