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wheres boochbeard?

May 13, 2011
when i read about boochbeard, it said that hes present in every single pirate event. last time i checked, the only times hes shown ingame is when he frees me from the armada at the beginning and when he watches my match against tyson. shouldnt he at least see me fight fin dorsal, get the monkeys paw, destroy deacon, kill captain blood and stuff?

Aug 01, 2011
Sneaky George Quar... on May 20, 2013 wrote:
when i read about boochbeard, it said that hes present in every single pirate event. last time i checked, the only times hes shown ingame is when he frees me from the armada at the beginning and when he watches my match against tyson. shouldnt he at least see me fight fin dorsal, get the monkeys paw, destroy deacon, kill captain blood and stuff?
Boochbeard is probably left on skull island. He believes in you. Plus he's not that important. I would love to see him talk to other companions and join you on adventures though.

Oct 27, 2009
I enjoyed seeing him during the tyson chicken fight. I hope he shows up some more. Perhaps he is too strong for the areas we've been in so far and will show up more in the future.