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Fulminate Horn isn't as cool when Pirates use it.

Jun 21, 2013
This question goes to any Developer who is as big on Nautical as I am A while back my friends and I were farming The Armada Assault Station. We saw that it was using Fulminate Horn with the cool fireworks and the strike down and we wanted it BADLY. So we decided to farm as long as it took until we got it, after about 30 minutes we finally did, but when we tried it out it just did the ring out which would attack surrounding ships, and we were upset why it wasn't as cool when Pirates use it . So my question is, why is the Fulminate Horn different when The Armada Assault Station uses it, and when we use it?

- Not about what level you are. Just how you act to the lower levels. 65 , ,

Oct 16, 2012
I have the horn too. Maybe it's a different piece of ship equipment all together. However, the horn itself is pretty useful for healing and taking down groups of ships that are attacking you. If KI was to give it fireworks, that would be EPIC.

Jun 21, 2013
I know right! When The Armada Assault Station used it, it was way cooler had way better animations, but I think you could be right.

- Not about what level you are, just how you act to the lower levels. 65 , ,