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Petty Officer
Jun 06, 2009
Why can't you type numbers in text chat? It would help to be able to tell someone what level you are or how many more things you have to collect.
-Brave Samantha Nightingale lvl 50
-Sneaky Sarai Nightingale lvl 8

Oct 11, 2010
I can type numbers and also see them when open chat people talk to me.

Hi! More information on chat can be found in our FAQ section of the website.

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Aug 01, 2011
One-Eyed Jack on May 22, 2013 wrote:
Hi! More information on chat can be found in our FAQ section of the website.
I have to agree it would be nice to say what level you are. Then if you say '' My Age Is '' It would turn as ... and you could get reported. Like you can say EX: My level is 46. Like that. Yeah. It would be cool.

Mar 24, 2013
As much as That is a Good idea it really isnt cause if a predator is going after a child that gives him a loop hole to get there phone number witch not typing numbers prevents at this time

First Mate
May 01, 2012
If you use the Menu Chat Button (upper left corner, drop down menu) and go to Friendly/Stats tab, you can tell anyone what your level is, what your health is, and how many Mojo Potions you have.

Feb 27, 2009
One-Eyed Jack on May 22, 2013 wrote:
Hi! More information on chat can be found in our FAQ section of the website.
Okay Jack. I believe they mean in word form cause I can type in "Zero ",One", Too", but not "third", "fourth", "fiffth" and so on. If you add these add we would be happy. Also why can you do say it in Wizard101 but not Pirate101. It's not fair! You should be able to say those so the text chat privileges could be the same. I know you can say more words in Pirate101 than Wizard101 so if you add back the numbers in word form again, we would be greatful.

Petty Officer
Apr 11, 2013