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Menu chat for technical problems

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
I was chatting with a new friend and the batteries died on my wireless keyboard. It took me a while to figure out what the problem was. I just knew that in the middle of a busy conversation I couldn't talk anymore. Then to my dismay I couldn't find anything in the menu chat to tell her that I was having computer issues and couldn't talk anymore. All I could find was " Sorry I don't have text chat", which needless to say was very confusing to my new friend. She was very confused at my sudden change in behavior and I had no way to tell her what was going on. Please can someone come up with some things we can use when our computer, for some reason or another strikes us dumb? Or if a menu chat person is having problems and cant move or take their turn properly they have no way to let us know. Please can you guys have a brainstorming session as to what you can add to help communicate that there are technical issues going on? . I am sure that a menu chat player would love to be able to tell us that their connection is acting up and to be patient. I have never heard one say that they needed to go afk for a short time but still want to stay in the quest. Once I found out what my trouble was and went back to the person to apologize they then realized that I was not being rude and it was just technical problems and she was very gracious, but this got me thinking about those on menu chat. They would have had no recourse and would have been thought as a rude prankster. Can we help them out here and help us very chatty people when suddenly we go mute or have another issue and only our mouse will work. Thanks so much.

Oct 27, 2009
This is a good idea. I think a "I'll be right back" menu choice would cover many situations for those who can't say afk. I'll add your battery caused issue to my mental list of reasons chatters aren't answering. When someone I know could text chat uses, "Sorry I don't have text chat." I know there is some kind of problem. I've used it myself when talking to a menu chatter and the answer to their question is something that isn't in the menu and yes and no just can't cover it. A "I don't have the right words" kind of response. One time I used it when I kicked a cord and didn't know the keyboard unplugged. Perhaps they should add, "I'm muted." as a menu choice. I'd love to hear other people's ideas for the best phrase they could add to the menu for this, somthing that would be multi use for many different problems. Adding a broken chain to let others in fights know that someone's connection is down was also a good idea and is in the test realm.