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Boss drops

May 13, 2015
Oct 16, 2012
Fin Dorsal is a good low-rank boss. He drops his weapon, Fin's Cutters, and I believe he can drop a pet as well. Or, for good gear and possible pets, farm the Temple of Fire in Xol Akmul, or Emperor Prawn, or the Floating Dutchman!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Easy as in one battle in and out? Two I know of in MooShu, Abe Pagoda in Subata Temple, the boss there can drop the tawny sky turtle pet; which is one half of what you need to create the hybrid - paper dragon ( the other half is a celestial sky dragon ).
Friar Sand has been known to drop a sky turtle mount, you can find him at the Corrupted Shrine.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
pets13 on May 25, 2015 wrote:
What bosses drop mounts and pets that are EASY
Hi Pets13. Welcome to the message boards.
Your fellow Marauders have given you some good tips although there is one thing to consider. If it was EASY it wouldn't be considered a boss fight.