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Mounts more than Mounts?

Jun 08, 2009
Like in battle fields the generals and leaders and sometimes certain troops such as cavalry are riding mounts like horses or elephants or what not :3 is it not resonable that we are able to ride our mounts into battle too? maybe they can give some stats too in exchange for other stats like speed boost in exchange for will or strength etc

Feb 01, 2011
I'd like it even if the mounts showed up as extra combatants, sort of like pets in combat. Even the bike could ram into enemies and the mechanical wings could bat at them...most of the other beast-like mounts already have combat animations. I'm not sure about the coconut shells though. Perhaps they'd disappear, and then drop from above onto the enemy's head, with a satisfying 'bonk' noise!

Mar 24, 2013
That would be a great idea for our mounts to go to combat. Like the griffin could fly and swipe it's claw, do a sky dive attack and all that cool things,that would be cool to see it in combat.

How will the coconut shell mount attack ? Maybe it can attack the traget,when both shells rolls toward the traget and trips it or something.

Apr 21, 2012
Argh, it shiver me timbers of the ideal of the beasties giving ye extra stats. The beasties could give bonus of accuracy and/or dodge and/or physical resistance and/or magical resistance. Whether it would be a combo of stats or just singular stats would be great. (sorry, just couldn't contain myself on talk like a pirate day )

Petty Officer
Jul 06, 2010
I'm entirely for this, but only for the most selfish reasons (this is a pirate game, I get to be upfront about that). If mounts gave stat adjustments, that means KingsIsle would probably make at least the temporary mounts rare drops like pets. So, yeah, this sounds like a great idea.

Oct 08, 2012
I just want another extra stat boost to my 371 damage... That's all...

May 30, 2010
My concern here (other than the animation) is that the mounts would probably be as foolish as our pets were at first, and get in the way when I'm planning something extrovert with my swashbuckler.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Fiorenza Rosanante... on Sep 21, 2014 wrote:
My concern here (other than the animation) is that the mounts would probably be as foolish as our pets were at first, and get in the way when I'm planning something extrovert with my swashbuckler.
Good point.

May 19, 2012
Fiorenza Rosanante... on Sep 21, 2014 wrote:
My concern here (other than the animation) is that the mounts would probably be as foolish as our pets were at first, and get in the way when I'm planning something extrovert with my swashbuckler.
I tend to agree with you Fiorenza.
They could prove to be more nuisance than help.
But if mount was made as static boost for some of our stats, like standard (flag if you like),
then we could talk more.

Dec 31, 2011
Aye this idea is not bad mates, It should make it that you go a farther distance in battle.

Lvl 13