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Old Scratch Reset Glitch

Aug 21, 2009
I am very disappointed that when I reset Old Scratch with gold his Mojo Echo lost half of its attacks. I only had two points in Mojo Echo and it would hit up to four times before the reset and now he only hits up to twice with it. It doesn't matter that perhaps he was only supposed to originally hit up to twice with it as those who did not reset him with gold will still hit up to four times. I play with scratch a lot as he is in the top three positions, but without the echo effect working like it always did for me he will drop way down in order which makes me very sad and upset.

This needs to be fixed.

First Mate
Dec 29, 2012
When you reallocated the points did you reduce Old Scratch's chances of casting successive Mojo Echoes with the new setup???? Example, did you lower his overall Will stat?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
seasnake on Mar 23, 2014 wrote:
I am very disappointed that when I reset Old Scratch with gold his Mojo Echo lost half of its attacks. I only had two points in Mojo Echo and it would hit up to four times before the reset and now he only hits up to twice with it. It doesn't matter that perhaps he was only supposed to originally hit up to twice with it as those who did not reset him with gold will still hit up to four times. I play with scratch a lot as he is in the top three positions, but without the echo effect working like it always did for me he will drop way down in order which makes me very sad and upset.

This needs to be fixed.
Perhaps did you do any other changes in his training? If you altered his will at all it will affect his Mojo Echo, along with his Spooky level. Spooky boosts many things. It is possible that you have changed something in the redo. Also it depends on who he is fighting as to how often he echos. If their will is high then it will reduce his echo frequency since the greater discrepancy between his will and theirs factors into the "Hit" equation. Harder enemies with higher will changes the dynamic of when echo triggers.
I may not be saying this right so that it makes total sense. Perhaps Ratbeard knows what I am trying to say and can thus say it correctly if I am wrong or just clarify what I am trying to explain. After all He designed it.