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The Armadillo Awards-hosted by ANN

Gunner's Mate
Jun 15, 2009
Griffen: Hello and welcome to the 1st Armadillo Awards I'm Griffen Devereaux.
Richard: And I'm Richard Ashburn. So Griffen how do you like the audience out there?
Griffen: It's pretty packed I see Monkey King and Gortez, and disturbingly the Kane and the rest of the elite clockworks.
Richard: Anyway this is how the awards work. Voters will vote on a certain catagory that we post and you will vote by replying on the posts.
Griffen: Please know that we will not accept votes that were on Sundays. Winners will be announced on Mondays <that's my line!>
Richard: This weeks catagories will be the best tavern cellar companion (Mormo, Sarah Steele, Exeter),the best presidio companion, the best main storyline companion (Ratbeard, Bonnie Anne, El Toro), and the starter companion.
Griffen: So people get voting This is Griffen and Richard from ANN sighing off!

Please note: this was made for fun and is not ment to offend any one. Also both reporters know each other outside of this great game and were both present in posting thank you

Gunner's Mate
Jun 15, 2009
If the category's weren't clear enough here they are again:
  1. best starter comp
  2. best tavern cellar comp: Sara steel , mormo ect
  3. presidio comp
  4. and main line comp : Bonnie Anne , Ratbeard , monkey king , old scratch , and El Toro * trumpet sound*
Remember to get voting this will be a lot more interesting with voting winners are announced Monday and more category's to come!

Mar 17, 2013
1.Best starter companion would be a preference
If you like to do Damage and Tank at the same time then get Subodai or Egg Shen (Subodai is more on the tanking side though)
If you like to do Tons of Damage then get Kobe Yojimbo or Kan Po
If you like to Tank a lot then get Wing Chun
They are all REALLY good
I like Subodai more since he has tons of Armor
2.Best Tavern Comp:
Im a bit biased since I only really play on my Swashbuckler but I would think Sarah Steele is the best since She is the Best Swash Comp in the game only tied with Kobe Yojimbo (And maybe El Toro but only because of that buff) I hear Barnabus also has the Most Armor in the Game so he might be good but I have not made a buccaneer yet.
3.Best Presido Comp:
I don't really like Dead Mike or Birgus Latro since they have pretty much No Accuarcy and Milo Greytail has slightly lower stats then Kobe Yojimbo and has no Powers that I know of, Gaspard de Vole, from what I have seen is pretty good, Has good armor and dodge, decent damage has well but I don't really like his look and design, Then there is Lucky Jack Russell who has to be like the 3rd best Privateer companion in the game (I think Wing Chun and Gracie Conrad take up 1st and 2nd) and has a really good design and really awesome looking criticals (His Epic Hit, I mean Seriously its Epic)
So I would have to go With Lucky Jack, He is a Really good tank
4.Best Storyline Comp:
It's a Tie between El Toro with that buff and the fact that he uses Relentless all the time and Bonnie anne With Burst Fire and Double Tap.
I would have to go with Bonnie Anne since she was my second comp.

Dec 20, 2008
Best start Companion: Subodai
Best Tavern Cellar Companion: Sarah Steele
Presidio Companion: Dead Mike
Main story line: El Toro

Feb 29, 2012
1. I'd say Kobe, Kan Po, or Wing Chun. The strength f the two Swashbucklers is very useful, but their health is rather low. Kan has a heal, so he's more likely to survive than Kobe, but Wing Chun has some useful epics and a heal, as well as a high critical chance. So, I'd say Wing!

2. Sarah. Not Louis, Emmett's ok, I love Mormo but he's not as strong, and Barnabus is rather awesome (plus he's a SLOTHY!), but Sarah's impressive damage outdoes the others'.

3. Hmmm... I'd have to say Dead Mike or Lucky Jack. Jack is strong, he's awesome, and a kind hearted companion, but Mike has better strength, I like the fact that he's a zombie, and his negative attitude amuses me. So I will say Mike!

4. BONNIE HANDS DOWN. I love her to death. She's my first mate at all times, she's been with you for almost the entire game, she's strong, kind hearted, and I love her promotion apparel.

So, basically, those are my opinions. Three and One were hard to decide on, however!

Ciao, Pirates!
Sneaky Emma Everhart

Oct 28, 2012
Griffen Deverux on Jun 24, 2013 wrote:
Griffen: Hello and welcome to the 1st Armadillo Awards I'm Griffen Devereaux.
Richard: And I'm Richard Ashburn. So Griffen how do you like the audience out there?
Griffen: It's pretty packed I see Monkey King and Gortez, and disturbingly the Kane and the rest of the elite clockworks.
Richard: Anyway this is how the awards work. Voters will vote on a certain catagory that we post and you will vote by replying on the posts.
Griffen: Please know that we will not accept votes that were on Sundays. Winners will be announced on Mondays <that's my line!>
Richard: This weeks catagories will be the best tavern cellar companion (Mormo, Sarah Steele, Exeter),the best presidio companion, the best main storyline companion (Ratbeard, Bonnie Anne, El Toro), and the starter companion.
Griffen: So people get voting This is Griffen and Richard from ANN sighing off!

Please note: this was made for fun and is not ment to offend any one. Also both reporters know each other outside of this great game and were both present in posting thank you
Mormo, Kan Po, Birgis Latro, Bonnie Anne

Apr 23, 2010
1. Subodai
2. Sarah Steele
3. Dead Mike
4. Bonnie Anne

Bristly Kevin

Gunner's Mate
Jun 15, 2009
Hello again my friends I'm Griffen with your day 1 report. here our our standings so far
  1. for best starter comp we have Subodai
  2. best tavern cellar comp is Sara Steel
  3. In best persidio comp is surprisingly Mr.Mike Dead Mike that is
  4. and leading in the story line category is bonnie anne

so that was our leaders so far if your picks aren't wining then get voting and stick with us week after week for more category's to come still a long week a head so its any ones game ! this is Griffen from ANN signing off!