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What's your favorite music in game?

May 29, 2009
I'm curious; what is your most favorite music in Pirate101?

My personal favorites are:

A. The Monquista battle music.
B. The bison areas music in Cool Ranch.

Hat's off to the music producer!

Gunner's Mate
Oct 11, 2012
Marleybone had some of the best music in wiz101 and in our game, it still holds true.

I also like the classical music going on at Sivella . It really sets the mood.

I agree with you on the Monquista music as well.

Impish Omar Underwood

Oct 15, 2012
That would be a mixture of cool ranch's music and marleybone's music
why cool ranch:well i just tend to like western styled music i dont know maybe its movies like rango.(which btw i thought was a great movie probally in my top 10 maybe even the exact oppisite of sigh marmaduke i swear that movie was terrible if no effort is being put in that movie WHY MAKE IT)
why marleybone:In short it kinda felt pretty nostalgic concidering marleybone was my favorite world in wizard101 and made me feel would be more epic if i went there concidering i am still in cool ranch AND i am taking a break from p101 but still it's amazing

May 16, 2011
Lets see......I like:

Valencia Theme 1
Cool Ranch Themes 1, 2, and 5
El Toro! Music
Haunted Skyway Music
Spiral Path Music

May 16, 2011
Oh, and all the Marleybonian music.