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The Dead Mike Debate

Nov 17, 2012
So, I'm a , and my parents died when their crew mutinied. Why have I allowed Dead Mike -part of the crew that killed my parents- into my own crew? Shouldn't I want revenge instead of friendship?

Am I missing something here?

Jan 26, 2012
CelesteRaven on Feb 18, 2013 wrote:
So, I'm a , and my parents died when their crew mutinied. Why have I allowed Dead Mike -part of the crew that killed my parents- into my own crew? Shouldn't I want revenge instead of friendship?

Am I missing something here?
Mikey's promotion quests give the answer to this question - he also was a victim of that mutiny: in fact, he fell defending your parents.

Feb 03, 2012
CelesteRaven on Feb 18, 2013 wrote:
So, I'm a , and my parents died when their crew mutinied. Why have I allowed Dead Mike -part of the crew that killed my parents- into my own crew? Shouldn't I want revenge instead of friendship?

Am I missing something here?
I don't think you understood the story very well, Dead Mike died trying to protect your parents, and he's even given up his afterlife to avenge your parents. If anything he's the most loyal companions I've ever had the privilege to sure with.

Petty Officer
Jun 28, 2011
no big deal we put Ratbeard in our crew and he gave us such grief during Gunn's treasure hunt

Community Leader
Not all of our parents' crew mutinited, just a few crooked ones that convinced most of the rest. Mike told my Witchdoctor that he was one of the few who stayed loyal, and that he fought back against his former shipmates when they turned on them.

Mike wants revenge just as bad as we do - so much that he's willing to go beyond the grave to do it.

(Undead Mike's one of my favorite personalities in the game. His storyline is so tragic it made me cry. Kudos to Blind Mew on that one!)

Chatroom Moderator - Pieces of Eight Radio
Nov 23, 2011
Exactly. He'd dead because he stood by your parents.

Nov 17, 2012
Okay, cool; thanks for clarifying. I'm just visiting Valencia for the first time right now, so I don't know much about Mike's background yet.

Aug 01, 2011
Sierra Starsong on Feb 18, 2013 wrote:
Not all of our parents' crew mutinited, just a few crooked ones that convinced most of the rest. Mike told my Witchdoctor that he was one of the few who stayed loyal, and that he fought back against his former shipmates when they turned on them.

Mike wants revenge just as bad as we do - so much that he's willing to go beyond the grave to do it.

(Undead Mike's one of my favorite personalities in the game. His storyline is so tragic it made me cry. Kudos to Blind Mew on that one!)
I read about Mike's promotions when I was reading that was just so nice and sad. He wants to sacrifice himself to avenge your parents I really feel bad for him when I was reading this. Its his last wish in life.

Jan 03, 2013
Dead Mike's promotion to 'dead avenger' is far too long though... I have gone from Mooshu to Skull Island to Floatsom to Scrimshaw back to Mooshu and now I have to go back to Bison Village to only find out that I have to travel to Haunted Skyway and then go back to Bison Village and presumably at that point I'll be able to get back to Mooshu... this is NOT fun. Way too much travelling. Every stop I make ties me to the life fountain so I can't even use the shortcuts to get back to where I need to be... argh. I'm using fuel boost but that doesn't make this any less painful...

May 02, 2009
Wait, If Dead Mike DOES avenge your parents, wouldn't that mean he would die? He has fulfilled what kept him alive after death so it would make sense that he would die after avenging your parents. So that means we cannot avenge our parents for fear of loosing Mike

May 06, 2009
coolster50 on Apr 15, 2013 wrote:
Wait, If Dead Mike DOES avenge your parents, wouldn't that mean he would die? He has fulfilled what kept him alive after death so it would make sense that he would die after avenging your parents. So that means we cannot avenge our parents for fear of loosing Mike
There's probably gonna be some kind of twist in the end. I doubt Blind Mew's gonna get rid of Dead Mike after fufilling his avengement. I think he did make a promise to look after you so I think that will sustain him for awhile. Either way, he's here to stay.

Though I will add this, I think I'm the only person who doesn't really care much for Dead Mike. He's great and all but I'm not into his whole dead look. Eh, can't please everyone. Go figure.

Feb 03, 2012
coolster50 on Apr 15, 2013 wrote:
Wait, If Dead Mike DOES avenge your parents, wouldn't that mean he would die? He has fulfilled what kept him alive after death so it would make sense that he would die after avenging your parents. So that means we cannot avenge our parents for fear of loosing Mike
Yeah i felt the same way too, but it's really good for the story. I kinda feel like for the origin companions, htey have a deep regret that they couldn't save out parents. If i were writing the story, I would ahve the exact same situation come up again, sky squid, storm, armada, shipwreck, our parent's mutineers, and this time they would save us at the cost of their lives. That would be a good story, however this is a game, I'm keeping my Mike.

May 06, 2012
Blind Mew on Feb 18, 2013 wrote:
Mikey's promotion quests give the answer to this question - he also was a victim of that mutiny: in fact, he fell defending your parents.
I don't have dead mike so I don't know what happens in his promos what does?