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Reprogramming Kane

Sep 29, 2010
This idea just came to my mind. What if in the end, after we find Eldorado and beat Kane, we simply incapacitate him and bring him back to skull island. Instead of having him destroyed, Lucius and Gracie could "reprogram" Kane to work for you? I honestly do want a clockwork on my crew, as annoying as they are, I'm a steampunk at heart and would love to be seen running around with a clockwork at my side, and having Kane would be the icing on the cake. Since he is the leader of the armada, he will probably be Privateer class or perhaps a mix of all classes. He could have normal powers like repel boarders, relentless, etc. but maybe even elite power like bomb drop, mass heals, and even critical and accuracy buffs. Anyone think this would be a good idea?

~Bloody Wolf Freeman~

Apr 26, 2009
Feb 29, 2012
CaptainAureus on Jun 29, 2013 wrote:
This idea just came to my mind. What if in the end, after we find Eldorado and beat Kane, we simply incapacitate him and bring him back to skull island. Instead of having him destroyed, Lucius and Gracie could "reprogram" Kane to work for you? I honestly do want a clockwork on my crew, as annoying as they are, I'm a steampunk at heart and would love to be seen running around with a clockwork at my side, and having Kane would be the icing on the cake. Since he is the leader of the armada, he will probably be Privateer class or perhaps a mix of all classes. He could have normal powers like repel boarders, relentless, etc. but maybe even elite power like bomb drop, mass heals, and even critical and accuracy buffs. Anyone think this would be a good idea?

~Bloody Wolf Freeman~
I've said a ton of times previously that I'd prefer my enemies remain enemies. And KANE becoming a companion? Now that's too far! Even reprogrammed, and if he was all classes, I'd bench him, no matter how good he was. Plus, the idea of it is way too overpowered. Sorry, but it's not a plausible idea in my opinion. What's the point in having an enemy not stay an enemy?

Plus, I wanna destroy Kane, not recruit him! I'd get all my traps and make the Machine and most of the clockworks go boom.

Sorry, but the idea isn't the best. Plus, I think it's been confirmed that this isn't happening.


Oct 15, 2010
I don't know, because clockworks function by gears turning, this means they have set functions and responses. This has always made me wonder why, or how, they can change plans to adjust to what you're doing. Must have been some Valencian genius.

Anyway, I kind of like your thought but I don't know if that's really what's going to happen. Like in Wizard101, we don't get Malistaire helping us...

Jul 27, 2012
Well, with all due respect, Captain Wolf, I have problems with this for several reasons:

1) I don't think Kane is really a robot. I think he was indeed conceived as an automata of the highest ability, so that he would have independence of thought needed for the leader of the Valencian navy (now the Armada). I suspect, the Spiral being the kind of universe it is, there may have been more than mechanics going into the making of Kane (magic, alchemy, who knows what else), so while Kane is not truly alive he is not truly a machine either, but rather a 'gestault' being (bother, spelled that wrong- the German word meaning a sum greater than the parts). So my gut feeling is that he could not be reprogrammed; rather he has a brain of sorts more like a living creature than a machine (I still feel the sense of Mary Shelley's _Frankenstein_ here, though I may be completely wrong).

2) We have seen the Armada as the worst kind of fiends (and will continue to do so for some time), and I would be instinctively repulsed by the thought of any of them as crewmates, even if they become unthinking automata. I'm perfectly happy with Gracie's clunking, clumsy but effective golem -- which is truly a machine, not a fey creation like the Armada soldiers.

3)Kane will be the toughest, most bitter, most unearthly foe we will face. Having him come 'back' would not only be extremely creepy (my characters could never sleep easily with that kind of reminder always around!), it also would not respect such an incredible foe. (Yes, to my mind, Kane does deserve that kind of respect) Once he is gone, my feeling would be, let him be gone (mind, it is a long way until that point, with plenty of story and challenges ahead. Yay!)

Virtuous Anne Radcliffe

Oct 27, 2009
If someone is going to bring him back, that seems best left to an evil villain to rebuild him.

Feb 02, 2013
Kane might not be a clockwork, I'm going to DESTROY him when i fight him, and the idea of a clockwork companion is cool, just not kane