So I was leveling up my other pirates, and i noticed something in the story line. It has been foreshadowed twice, in the first world, that el dorado might not be a city of shining gold. Let me explain.
Warning- Spoilers ahead if you have not completed skull island
In Manny's quest line, we were told that he and the crew abandoned their captain when they heard a roar from the city of "gold." But what did we find? Azteca! (it was actually Xol Akmul, but you know what i mean) It was just an ancient ruin of Aztecan people, who fled their home land because of Morganthe.
Next is when we imprison the Gold Monkey. Gortez was called the gold monkey. It was also mentioned that the gold monkey "...was a treasure beyond reckoning." Gortez was a treasure to the Monquistion, but now, he's an enemy.
I probably brushed over something obvious or maybe El Dorado really is a city of gold. I just felt the need share this.