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A Thank You To KI

Aug 04, 2012
Avast KI producers, designers, storyboard directors, and more!
Brass Wolf Casptain speaking. Level 65 swashbuckler!

I want to take a moment and really thank you for all your hard work. There have been many complaints, angry posts, and cancelled memberships among the Pirate community. Some of us are unjustly frustrated at the lack of new material. I want to apologize for that. This is unfair to you and to your supporters.

I know that you are still working hard at the game, while trying to do what's best for your company. I understand that. And so I want to take a step back, and thank you for all that you've done so far. It has been an amazing ride, full of amazing art, superb storytelling, great gameplay, and everything that makes this game worth playing among its millions of fans. It is by far my favorite game, and it really means something to me.

People it takes a lot for a game to come together! But let KI take the helm! They know what they're doing! We have to put our trust in their company, and give them the chance that they have to make this game amazing! You have my complete faith, trust, and support in what you are doing.

This post is for anyone and everyone who wants to thank KI for what they've done, and to show them that they have our full support. Please leave negativity O-U-T out!

Thank you KI. Keep working your magic! You have our confidence!

Brass Wolf Casptain
See you in the skyways!

Jul 16, 2014
Thanks for your support, Wolf!

*Bonnie Anne, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Petty Officer
Sep 02, 2015
Ahoy there pirates!
Yeah, thank you for all your hard work, KI! I personally love Pirate101, and I know whatever the new content will be, it will be awesome!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
comwolf on Jan 12, 2016 wrote:
Avast KI producers, designers, storyboard directors, and more!
Brass Wolf Casptain speaking. Level 65 swashbuckler!

I want to take a moment and really thank you for all your hard work. There have been many complaints, angry posts, and cancelled memberships among the Pirate community. Some of us are unjustly frustrated at the lack of new material. I want to apologize for that. This is unfair to you and to your supporters.

I know that you are still working hard at the game, while trying to do what's best for your company. I understand that. And so I want to take a step back, and thank you for all that you've done so far. It has been an amazing ride, full of amazing art, superb storytelling, great gameplay, and everything that makes this game worth playing among its millions of fans. It is by far my favorite game, and it really means something to me.

People it takes a lot for a game to come together! But let KI take the helm! They know what they're doing! We have to put our trust in their company, and give them the chance that they have to make this game amazing! You have my complete faith, trust, and support in what you are doing.

This post is for anyone and everyone who wants to thank KI for what they've done, and to show them that they have our full support. Please leave negativity O-U-T out!

Thank you KI. Keep working your magic! You have our confidence!

Brass Wolf Casptain
See you in the skyways!
Although KI has had my support and my praises, the term "unjustly" frustrated sticks in my craw, we are very "justly" frustrated with the lack of a story development and the absolute silence coming from KI!
I have no end of admiration for the fine work that KI has shown in Pirate101, it has quickly become my favorite game; but many things in your post has annoyed me, among them is the fact that you "apologize" for others angry posts. Respectfully, you really have no right to do this.
I wonder how long you have been playing this game? Your board name is new to me. Have you just got to max level? I've been on P101 since before it went live - had a splendid time, the art work and story line are first rate!
But try being at the level cap for 2 and a half years, then add in 5 extra pirates at the level cap. I have farmed Moo Manchu so many times I've earned the Master of Moo badge, my WD now has the Moo Champion badge.
My other 4 pirates are in the same boat.
The fact is, KI has had the time to implement a story line, yet they make no effort to tell us why it has taken so long, many are now beyond frustrated ( justly ) and are now paranoid that this wonderful game is going down the tubes.
I hope this is not the case and that P101 will soon provide us with many more hours of enjoyment.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Well said Wolf.
No matter if we worry or not, or if we are maxed out or not, it does not change the fact that we KNOW the developers are working their tushies off. Funds being channeled to which game notwithstanding, they are all working hard and even if we don't get what we want when we want it, they still ROCK in my book. Sure, I too would love more communication, but that does not mar the shine off all they do for us and this pirate completely and must assuredly is beyond grateful. Not only do I choose to see a glass half full, I see that the whole glass is beautiful.

Aug 04, 2012
I've been playing Pirate101 since its beta release. Been level 65 since about three weeks after Marlybone and Aquila. Just don't post much! And I'm sorry for calling it unjustified. Just trying to give KI a little thank you! No offence intended Ane!

Nov 23, 2011
Yeaaaa, I am going to have to go with Anecorbie on comwolf. While I appreciate your request to keep this thread positive, your comment that many people are "unjustly frustrated" (emphasis added) and that it is "unfair" to the developers does itself seem unfair to the many people who have both expressed their love of the game and also their frustration at the lack of expansions and information about the game's future.

If you really want a thread with only positive comments, start one - but don't wave a red flag in front of your frustrated pirate brethren and sistren when you do so!


Nov 23, 2011
Apologies, Comwolf - I posted my comment (above) prior to seeing your apology for the "unjustified" comment.


Jun 26, 2010
I'll always have complete faith, loyalty, gratitude in KI, and fer that I thank ye.

- Deadeye Jack Morgan

Aug 04, 2012
No harm done Indigo! I am anxious for the next update as well!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
comwolf on Jan 12, 2016 wrote:
I've been playing Pirate101 since its beta release. Been level 65 since about three weeks after Marlybone and Aquila. Just don't post much! And I'm sorry for calling it unjustified. Just trying to give KI a little thank you! No offence intended Ane!
apology accepted,

Petty Officer
Nov 30, 2012
anecorbie on Jan 12, 2016 wrote:
Although KI has had my support and my praises, the term "unjustly" frustrated sticks in my craw, we are very "justly" frustrated with the lack of a story development and the absolute silence coming from KI!
I have no end of admiration for the fine work that KI has shown in Pirate101, it has quickly become my favorite game; but many things in your post has annoyed me, among them is the fact that you "apologize" for others angry posts. Respectfully, you really have no right to do this.
I wonder how long you have been playing this game? Your board name is new to me. Have you just got to max level? I've been on P101 since before it went live - had a splendid time, the art work and story line are first rate!
But try being at the level cap for 2 and a half years, then add in 5 extra pirates at the level cap. I have farmed Moo Manchu so many times I've earned the Master of Moo badge, my WD now has the Moo Champion badge.
My other 4 pirates are in the same boat.
The fact is, KI has had the time to implement a story line, yet they make no effort to tell us why it has taken so long, many are now beyond frustrated ( justly ) and are now paranoid that this wonderful game is going down the tubes.
I hope this is not the case and that P101 will soon provide us with many more hours of enjoyment.
I couldn't say it any better way.
This game is the best I've seen as far as quality, ending it is.. Dumb, period.

Dec 13, 2008
Out of every game I have ever played, Priate101 is the greatest of them. And trust me, I have played a lot of them, I love the strategic gameplay and the idea of amassing a crew and having them fight along side me. The story is fascinating and I can't wait to unravel all the little secrets that the story holds.

The lack of story updates is, indeed, frustrating and you can tell that many pirates' patience are running thin, but know this, you would not get this type of reaction from your player base if you had created a subpar game. The passionate outcry from the community should stand as a testament to that. You created a game that we love and we will fight to keep it alive no matter what.
~ Lv. 65
~ Lv. 54
~ Lv. 18
~ Lv. 15

Aug 31, 2011
I have a prediction if they don't release a update for the game by 2017 then there will be absolutely no saving this game i love this game to death but life isn't always positive its realistic and it doesn't take near 3 years to make a game there are apps on the app-store and google that are harder to make than pirate101 and get updated every couple of months with new content and they have less funds than kingsisle. and wizard101 updates like twice a year and if not at least once a year with new content while over in the pirate part of the spiral we get pvp which nobody asked for and the pvp is so unbalanced and pet system again no one asked for and its a mess too. I am praying that pirate101 gets back its lost customers and comes back i was so optimistic when this game first came out that it would be as big as w101 but i was wrong and honestly pirate101 hasn't done much to assure that future. I mean think about it give me some proof that kingisle is still giving us updates on the status of the new content back when celestia was about to be released wizard101 constantly gave us hints but we havent gotten anything from pirate why is that and every time we do ask we just get excuses i mean if kingsisle was a small nobody company i would understand but come on.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
enpedia183 on Jan 14, 2016 wrote:
I have a prediction if they don't release a update for the game by 2017 then there will be absolutely no saving this game i love this game to death but life isn't always positive its realistic and it doesn't take near 3 years to make a game there are apps on the app-store and google that are harder to make than pirate101 and get updated every couple of months with new content and they have less funds than kingsisle. and wizard101 updates like twice a year and if not at least once a year with new content while over in the pirate part of the spiral we get pvp which nobody asked for and the pvp is so unbalanced and pet system again no one asked for and its a mess too. I am praying that pirate101 gets back its lost customers and comes back i was so optimistic when this game first came out that it would be as big as w101 but i was wrong and honestly pirate101 hasn't done much to assure that future. I mean think about it give me some proof that kingisle is still giving us updates on the status of the new content back when celestia was about to be released wizard101 constantly gave us hints but we havent gotten anything from pirate why is that and every time we do ask we just get excuses i mean if kingsisle was a small nobody company i would understand but come on.
I hear you Empedia183: all of us are experiencing frustration on the lack of story updates.
But, come on, KI has implemented many updates that have improved the game greatly - Advanced Companions, Advanced Pets ( which was a vast improvement over W101's pet system ) Ranked PVP ( which a majority of players were asking for from the minute P101 went live, IDK how you could have missed that ) Two new challenging gauntlets ( Tower of Moo Manchu & the Pirate's Regatta ) and our first housing gauntlet - The Smuggler's Arena.
All in all we do have some things to be grateful for.
Hang tight, I'm sure we'll be getting our story update this year.

Jun 02, 2013
anecorbie on Jan 14, 2016 wrote:
I hear you Empedia183: all of us are experiencing frustration on the lack of story updates.
But, come on, KI has implemented many updates that have improved the game greatly - Advanced Companions, Advanced Pets ( which was a vast improvement over W101's pet system ) Ranked PVP ( which a majority of players were asking for from the minute P101 went live, IDK how you could have missed that ) Two new challenging gauntlets ( Tower of Moo Manchu & the Pirate's Regatta ) and our first housing gauntlet - The Smuggler's Arena.
All in all we do have some things to be grateful for.
Hang tight, I'm sure we'll be getting our story update this year.
If it doesn't come out this year I have decided to quit the game #2017 quit

Jul 27, 2012
Erm, going back to the theme of the original poster, I too want to thank KI, especially for all the special things they implemented over the holidays. I should have said my thanks earlier, in fact. But I wanted to give my praise especially for:
* the turkey with the trimmings. That was so beautifully done. I love to decorate my pirate houses in as period a style as possible and it looks really lovely on a central table. (And not to be greedy, but next year, could we perhaps have a pumpkin pudding or a pumpkin pie to go with it?)

* All the lovely new housing decorations: the pictures, the lights, everything.

* The snow globes! Oh yes, especially the snow globes! My wizards would be green with envy to know that while they hope and hope for a snow globe drop in a pack, and hover constantly around the bazaar hoping someone won't want theirs, the pirates can get as many as they want for some gold. I also really enjoy all the outdoor items, the trees, the lit bush, the demure reindeer decorations, the snow piles... and I like how the snow piles can overlap with each other and other items. I have some beautiful outdoor settings now, the snow covering the sand while snow flakes gently fall in profusion...

* The pets! Boy did I love the Christmas pets! And not only are they delightful to look at, but there are some awesome traits brought on with some of these critters. I am tending and morphing an awful lot of these creatures, you can bet.

* The Christmas boxes. It was so much fun to open the boxes and get pet snacks, pets, housing items, temporary mounts, and more. And I really enjoyed how you could get very nice pets and furniture things from locked chests and boss fights. It made a really enjoyable twist!

So, before I run out of room, I just wanted to share my appreciation for all the holiday fun. *bowing politely, in a practiced dancer's bow, removing my plumed hat*

Gunner's Mate
Feb 26, 2013
What a great place the spiral is

When I was in 3rd grade and first heard about Wizzy, I was like 'SWEET' because all my friends played it and it was a nice way to connect with them. It grabbed me more than it did my friends, but it never really kept me coming back.

But that's not the case with this game. This game is so amazing! Everything, from the combat, the environments, the storyline, the characters, the jokes, the references, it's all so great! And for people who are really nerdy about the lore of games too, this game is so expansive and has so much background
The characters are all so likable and with the latest update (the um.. one in July) almost all companions are usable!

*Ahem* I think I'm getting a little off track.

But, yeah, thank you Pirate101 team for making such a fantastic game that can unite so many people! Playing this game and being a part of the message boards has actually helped me a great deal, more than I can really put into words

Thank you so much to the developers and writers and story boarders, and thank you to the Pirate101 community!
All of you are what makes this game great

Cpt. Cruel Owen Quarrel, Level 65 WasthathearttoomuchIbetitwastoomuchImsorrylol

Gunner's Mate
May 08, 2010
comwolf on Jan 12, 2016 wrote:
Avast KI producers, designers, storyboard directors, and more!
Brass Wolf Casptain speaking. Level 65 swashbuckler!

I want to take a moment and really thank you for all your hard work. There have been many complaints, angry posts, and cancelled memberships among the Pirate community. Some of us are unjustly frustrated at the lack of new material. I want to apologize for that. This is unfair to you and to your supporters.

I know that you are still working hard at the game, while trying to do what's best for your company. I understand that. And so I want to take a step back, and thank you for all that you've done so far. It has been an amazing ride, full of amazing art, superb storytelling, great gameplay, and everything that makes this game worth playing among its millions of fans. It is by far my favorite game, and it really means something to me.

People it takes a lot for a game to come together! But let KI take the helm! They know what they're doing! We have to put our trust in their company, and give them the chance that they have to make this game amazing! You have my complete faith, trust, and support in what you are doing.

This post is for anyone and everyone who wants to thank KI for what they've done, and to show them that they have our full support. Please leave negativity O-U-T out!

Thank you KI. Keep working your magic! You have our confidence!

Brass Wolf Casptain
See you in the skyways!
Don't see why your apologizing for others posts, If it's truly hateful then they could easily be banned.

I commend KI for attempting at things like this as well. I just wish they'd work on the storyline instead of doing a lot of unnecessary nerfs to cool ranch (Making Hidden Valley, Miranda Shorter, I liked the extra fights, added more fun to it)

I understand that It does take a lot of a game to come together, I'm just not excited for the current path this game is taking.

If anyone is old enough to remember what ToonTown Online is, I commend you.
Basically they shut down because they added no new content, veterans left, lost too much money, and had to shut down.

I know that the likily hood of P101 closing is not high, I just see this game following TTOS Path, and I'd rather not have this game close.

Not TRYING to hate or anything, It didn't take a full year for them to make Marlybone and Aquila, In about 4 months It'll be 3 years since any content came out.

I do commend the KI Staff for making a great game though, I'm just a bit frustrated, is all.

Jun 02, 2013
anecorbie on Jan 12, 2016 wrote:
Although KI has had my support and my praises, the term "unjustly" frustrated sticks in my craw, we are very "justly" frustrated with the lack of a story development and the absolute silence coming from KI!
I have no end of admiration for the fine work that KI has shown in Pirate101, it has quickly become my favorite game; but many things in your post has annoyed me, among them is the fact that you "apologize" for others angry posts. Respectfully, you really have no right to do this.
I wonder how long you have been playing this game? Your board name is new to me. Have you just got to max level? I've been on P101 since before it went live - had a splendid time, the art work and story line are first rate!
But try being at the level cap for 2 and a half years, then add in 5 extra pirates at the level cap. I have farmed Moo Manchu so many times I've earned the Master of Moo badge, my WD now has the Moo Champion badge.
My other 4 pirates are in the same boat.
The fact is, KI has had the time to implement a story line, yet they make no effort to tell us why it has taken so long, many are now beyond frustrated ( justly ) and are now paranoid that this wonderful game is going down the tubes.
I hope this is not the case and that P101 will soon provide us with many more hours of enjoyment.
I really do agree with you and ComWolf. Although I haven't been on from the very beginning (In fact, I only just joined when the Moo Manchu Tower came to fruition.), I've already maxed out one pirate and well on my way to max out another.
In fact, I've reached max Level before I even got to Aquila!

I've heard from people that there's going to be two new worlds this year, although, of course, it can't really be confirmed. Although it does kindle some hope.

Actually for me however, I just would like some answer from Kingsisle about Pirate101's status. Having absolutely no word kinda puts people in chaos when people speculate. I've seen it happen on multiple message boards and fourms. First it starts out is a fine and good discussion, but then things get tense, and words get thrown around, and then the moderators need to step in and break it up. Basically, it turns into a virtual street fight or something in my opinion.


Sly Colin Voss, Lv. 65
Mousy Malik, Lv. 20
Helpful Alexander Dove, Lv.30

Petty Officer
Aug 13, 2012
Mar 24, 2013
I remeber how fun was, when i frist joined back in 2013.It was so much fun and was very challenging, what an epic adventure that was. Thanks for the great time and I'm looking forward for well whatever pirate stuffs are coming for 2016 and beyond.

Petty Officer
Jul 22, 2014
I feel really bad. I just want to take a moment to say sorry to Kingsisle for posting all the mean comments about not having the new storyline. In stead of posting mean comments, I should say thank you , Kingsisle for all the hard work you've done. Sorry again for all the mean comments.

Jun 02, 2013
witchdoctor of awe... on Jan 23, 2016 wrote:
Don't see why your apologizing for others posts, If it's truly hateful then they could easily be banned.

I commend KI for attempting at things like this as well. I just wish they'd work on the storyline instead of doing a lot of unnecessary nerfs to cool ranch (Making Hidden Valley, Miranda Shorter, I liked the extra fights, added more fun to it)

I understand that It does take a lot of a game to come together, I'm just not excited for the current path this game is taking.

If anyone is old enough to remember what ToonTown Online is, I commend you.
Basically they shut down because they added no new content, veterans left, lost too much money, and had to shut down.

I know that the likily hood of P101 closing is not high, I just see this game following TTOS Path, and I'd rather not have this game close.

Not TRYING to hate or anything, It didn't take a full year for them to make Marlybone and Aquila, In about 4 months It'll be 3 years since any content came out.

I do commend the KI Staff for making a great game though, I'm just a bit frustrated, is all.
I will away I am distracted too it took KI less than a year to make Aquila and marleybone because the storyline will not be as good as the upcoming worlds we are going to see, if my research is correct KI is trying to get 4 more books released so that we are occupied while they make book 19 and 20 which will ultimately finish the el dorado arc

Why will it take so long?

Queen will be seen in these new books!

A lot more regarding our parents are in these new books!

New gauntlets and loot are obviously in these new books!

Catching up on overdue companion promotions will be in these new books!

I have numerous other reasons to why it's taking so long I am only fustrated because they are not confirming why it is taking so long so just remember to not lay it on so thick

First Mate
Nov 01, 2012
"How long did Sherlock Holmes wait for book 15? A century, my dear Watson."

-corrupt Lucas Vries