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Pvp companion guide: Lucky Jack Russell

Petty Officer
Nov 23, 2019
So, I've decided to work my way up to PvP expert. This is my first guide, so I hope you enjoy it!

Lucky Jack Russell: Class: Epics recommended: Vengeance Strike 2, Blade storm 2 or 3, Relentless 2, Repel boarders 1 or 2 ( optional). Talents recommended: Tough 4, Rough 3, Armored 1, Accurate 3, Dodgy 1, and increase will ( spirited I think, not sure) 2

If you have any questions about specific PvP strategies, like Jack vs another companions or whom Jack works best with, just ask.

Hope you enjoyed it!

signed, Cunning Caleb Hawkins.

Petty Officer
Nov 23, 2019
Bat Masterson on Apr 21, 2020 wrote:
A worthy challenge for a Pirate! :)
Thanks bat. Have you got any questions?

Community Leader
I don't think your list accounts for all of Jack's available talents. Companions should have their talents set up in the following way:
  • Tough 4 (all comps)
  • Rough 4 (all comps)
  • Accurate 4 (all comps)
  • Main Stat 4 (If the companion is a non-Ratbeard/Gerard/Barnabus buccaneer, musketeer, or non-Gracie Conrad privateer)
  • Dodgy 4 (If the companion is a swashbuckler or Ratbeard)
  • Spooky 4 (If the companion is a witchdoctor with multiple trained spells, or is Gracie Conrad)
  • Armored 4 (If the companion is Barnabus or Gerard)
  • Main Stat/Dodgy 1 (whichever is available to you)

Also, I strongly disagree with just giving a companion vengeance strike 2, given how powerful vengeance strike 3's stunning ability is. Furthermore, Jack is will based, making the stun all the more effective against the dearth of will-based companions in PvP. Finally, I'd recommend bladestorm 3 over repel boarders. Just having vengeance strike 3 is all you need for reactive epics, and bladestorm 3 makes bladestorm triggers be based on difference of will, rather than accuracy. As I said before, there aren't many will-based units in PvP, so Jack's bladestorm 3 is then very likely to land.

Writer, Editor, Administrator, and Pirate PvP guy at FinalBastion

Check us out for all things Pirate101 and Wizard101 PvE/PvP

Petty Officer
Nov 23, 2019
Matthew525011 on Apr 22, 2020 wrote:
I don't think your list accounts for all of Jack's available talents. Companions should have their talents set up in the following way:
  • Tough 4 (all comps)
  • Rough 4 (all comps)
  • Accurate 4 (all comps)
  • Main Stat 4 (If the companion is a non-Ratbeard/Gerard/Barnabus buccaneer, musketeer, or non-Gracie Conrad privateer)
  • Dodgy 4 (If the companion is a swashbuckler or Ratbeard)
  • Spooky 4 (If the companion is a witchdoctor with multiple trained spells, or is Gracie Conrad)
  • Armored 4 (If the companion is Barnabus or Gerard)
  • Main Stat/Dodgy 1 (whichever is available to you)

Also, I strongly disagree with just giving a companion vengeance strike 2, given how powerful vengeance strike 3's stunning ability is. Furthermore, Jack is will based, making the stun all the more effective against the dearth of will-based companions in PvP. Finally, I'd recommend bladestorm 3 over repel boarders. Just having vengeance strike 3 is all you need for reactive epics, and bladestorm 3 makes bladestorm triggers be based on difference of will, rather than accuracy. As I said before, there aren't many will-based units in PvP, so Jack's bladestorm 3 is then very likely to land.
Thx for helping me ( I am still new at pvp ). But Blade storm is more likely to work with repel boarders isn't it? It is a good combo.

Community Leader
Amazingshot123 on Apr 22, 2020 wrote:
Thx for helping me ( I am still new at pvp ). But Blade storm is more likely to work with repel boarders isn't it? It is a good combo.
There's no reason to believe that repel boarders has a higher critical rate than average, no.

The goal with companions isn't necessarily to maximize the number of possible hits (this is what you've done imo), but to maximize how effective these attacks are. Having a random repel boarders 1-2 might increase the number of hits Jack attempts, but avoiding repel boarders and instead investing those points in bladestorm 3 and vengeance strike 3 will improve both his durability and chaining ability. Vengeance strike 3 will often shut down counter-chains due to the stun, while bladestorm 3 has a near zero chance to miss, since its accuracy is based off of will. This means that when you use Jack's guaranteed super strike, you're incredibly unlikely to miss on the bladestorm, regardless of any buffs you have up. This will vastly increase the odds of further chains.

Writer, Editor, Administrator, and Pirate PvP guy at FinalBastion

Check us out for all things Pirate101 and Wizard101 PvE/PvP

Petty Officer
Nov 23, 2019
Matthew525011 on Apr 22, 2020 wrote:
There's no reason to believe that repel boarders has a higher critical rate than average, no.

The goal with companions isn't necessarily to maximize the number of possible hits (this is what you've done imo), but to maximize how effective these attacks are. Having a random repel boarders 1-2 might increase the number of hits Jack attempts, but avoiding repel boarders and instead investing those points in bladestorm 3 and vengeance strike 3 will improve both his durability and chaining ability. Vengeance strike 3 will often shut down counter-chains due to the stun, while bladestorm 3 has a near zero chance to miss, since its accuracy is based off of will. This means that when you use Jack's guaranteed super strike, you're incredibly unlikely to miss on the bladestorm, regardless of any buffs you have up. This will vastly increase the odds of further chains.
Ok, I guess I still have a long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long way to go. (did I put enough longs in there?)