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Apr 02, 2011
I have a suggestion and maybe there is a secret to this. HOW DO YOU GET THE LOCATION FROM RED SASH SHIPS IN THE QUEST SETTING THINGS RIGHT! I have been fighting those guys since Febuary and what have I gotten? Nothing! Help me!

Hi! Sounds like you've been having some difficulty with the quest "Setting Things Right." Is this correct? Are you getting the "Did not collect" message when you fight these ships? If not, you may want to consider contacting to see if you are perhaps in a bad quest state, seeing as you also asked this question back in November?

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
First Mate
May 01, 2012
Another possibility is that he is in the wrong skyway. I've noticed that when the quest specifies a specific skyway that any ships of the same type that are fought in a different skyway don't count towards the quest total.

Apr 02, 2011
The skyway thing could be it, but it says Cooper's Roost, and that's where I've been going... so yeah!

Brave Ethan Kirk or Star686b level 17

IceWarlord1380 on May 8, 2013 wrote:
The skyway thing could be it, but it says Cooper's Roost, and that's where I've been going... so yeah!

Brave Ethan Kirk or Star686b level 17
In talking with Support, it seems like you should be back on track, but if you are still having trouble, please respond back to your Support Ticket email with more information.


*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*