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It wont end...!

Petty Officer
Mar 15, 2013
I've been stuck on getting the inoshishi key on my witchdoctor for days I srsly cant get it! He is lvl 40 on that was yesterday quest. Please help me get past this key its killing me!

It's a tough quest that many others have succeeded at, and the best advice I can give is to keep at it for now; however, in the upcoming update, we are increasing the chances of the key appearing after combat.

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Apr 30, 2011
Pickletastik on Mar 27, 2014 wrote:
I've been stuck on getting the inoshishi key on my witchdoctor for days I srsly cant get it! He is lvl 40 on that was yesterday quest. Please help me get past this key its killing me!
Oh yes! This quest, oh my. There's nothing we can do, but have our friends to talk with while we do it! Hm.. Maybe one day the xp reward can be raised a little..! (hint hint, Jack!) OH! I just realized something REALLY funny! In Wizard101's Mooshu, you have to fight some ghosts for a key. They have a hard time dropping it too! Coincidence?
I think not!

Dec 15, 2012
Pickletastik, I found that on both of my Pirates that have got to that point, the best area that it will drop is right in front of the first tower down that road. Hope this helps and good luck.

Oct 29, 2012
I;m currently on this quest, hard. some "bug" or "glitch" happened and the treasure round didn't show up. i was extremely angry. good luck though!
-jamal heath lvl 44

Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2010
It's weird i was like getting ready for the worst and got in on my first go it's really just luck i guess

Kai Sawkins