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Battle tips

Apr 19, 2012
Ok I am seeing many pirates struggle in Marleybone. They seem to think that it is too hard but I would have to say that perhaps they just aren't using the right tactics. So I am starting this topic to post some tips for combat that many of the successful players use but some other players may not be aware of. I invite all experienced and battle hardened pirates to please contribute because I am sure that I will overlook something. Ok here we go...

1. Let the enemy come to you. Don't just rush in. The first round should be used for buffs. As the enemy approaches talents like first strike and over watch will kick in and you will be causing damage before you even attack. Yay!

2. Unless there is a tricky boss involved that must be taken out first you should always go after the weakest target available but one that you can hit with all of your companions. You and your companions should all be going after the same target because you want to remove threats as quickly as you can so that there is one less attack against you each round.

3. Don't waste an attack on an enemy with less than 200 - 300 health unless you have to because they may be taken out by your pet or a talent like first strike, over watch, repel boarders etc. saving your high damage attacks for better uses.

Ok that's it for now. I hope others post their tips here and I will continue to post things as they occur to me. One last little tip regarding gear selection. I wouldn't waste a precious gear selection on anything that boosts health or armor. The extra 100 - 300 health you will get from it isn't worth it. Play to your pirates class strengths. Choose gear that will boost your agility, strength or whatever your class relies on and inflict as much damage on the enemy as you possibly can. Gear that provides attack powers is also good because these cannot be dodged and they never miss.The best defense is a good offense. Fair sailing friends!

Wicked Erin, Self Appointed Unlimited Class Swashbuckling World Champion Supreme

Oct 11, 2010
Spiral Cowboy on Jun 1, 2013 wrote:
Ok I am seeing many pirates struggle in Marleybone. They seem to think that it is too hard but I would have to say that perhaps they just aren't using the right tactics. So I am starting this topic to post some tips for combat that many of the successful players use but some other players may not be aware of. I invite all experienced and battle hardened pirates to please contribute because I am sure that I will overlook something. Ok here we go...

1. Let the enemy come to you. Don't just rush in. The first round should be used for buffs. As the enemy approaches talents like first strike and over watch will kick in and you will be causing damage before you even attack. Yay!

2. Unless there is a tricky boss involved that must be taken out first you should always go after the weakest target available but one that you can hit with all of your companions. You and your companions should all be going after the same target because you want to remove threats as quickly as you can so that there is one less attack against you each round.

3. Don't waste an attack on an enemy with less than 200 - 300 health unless you have to because they may be taken out by your pet or a talent like first strike, over watch, repel boarders etc. saving your high damage attacks for better uses.

Ok that's it for now. I hope others post their tips here and I will continue to post things as they occur to me. One last little tip regarding gear selection. I wouldn't waste a precious gear selection on anything that boosts health or armor. The extra 100 - 300 health you will get from it isn't worth it. Play to your pirates class strengths. Choose gear that will boost your agility, strength or whatever your class relies on and inflict as much damage on the enemy as you possibly can. Gear that provides attack powers is also good because these cannot be dodged and they never miss.The best defense is a good offense. Fair sailing friends!

Wicked Erin, Self Appointed Unlimited Class Swashbuckling World Champion Supreme
Add on your #3 if you have a shooter with double tap its a for sure take down plus bonus hit depends what it is too. if its melee its a waste if its a caster then perhaps not :-)

Feb 12, 2012
Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Very nice of you Spiral Cowboy . It's always good to see posts that teach others how to be a better player instead of just whining about how hard things are. I have learned so much from these boards and from wonderful players that teach me great tactics and I appreciate ever treasure of knowledge even more than my pirates gold . Thank you to all of you pirates with angels wings