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Miranda- I am Furious!

Petty Officer
Dec 16, 2010
After getting up to Mayor Grimm for the second time, I have died once again. I am getting annoyed and frustrated at having to do this dungeon once again for the third time. And barely anyone is at Haunted Skyway so I have no hope of asking anyone to help me. And none of my friends are on. All the people with Mayor Grimm, are attacking one companion the whole time. Leaving me defenless with only one other companion and me. I find it annoying also how Mayor Grimm is always glitching and won't attack. He stands there and my companions are losing close to 200 health!! I am a level 35 Swashbuckler and I have finished this quest with my Privateer with out a sweat. Please anyone give me so tips, so I can go to Deacon and then carry on to Mooshu. I find it annoying to have to do it a third time.

Apr 05, 2012
I feel your pain. I have done this quest on my Witchdoctor, Swashbuckler and musketeer. In that order. I had a hard time on my Musketeer but never really figured out what the problem was. I too had died several times and had to run back, luckily I didn't have to start the whole dungeon over and finally killed Mayor Grimm.
Then on my Buccaneer I had a VERY hard time and realized that fight is very bugged!

Bug #1
Mayor Grimm slides across the ground instead of walking.

Bug #2
Mayor Grimm shoots from his boots instead of his rifle

Bug #3 (worst bug of all)
random companions taking damage for no reason. It was like I was standing in fire or had been poisoned. I scrolled over all companions and it didn't show that they were affected by anything but they kept taking damage at the end of a turn.

Bug #4 Quest helper doesn't stay on track during this quest. After talking to Card Dealer, (every time) I had to manually go to quest log and click the right quest.

I died a bunch of times on my Buccaneer and had to run back in. It seemed like if I kept myself and my companions out of the center of the battle area they didn't get the bugged mystery damage. It was either that or finally I lucked out and didn't get the bad bugs that battle.

All I can say is try again and hopefully you will luck out and get a try that isn't so buggy. Remember if you die, you don't have to start the whole dungeon over again.
Just run back and go straight to Mayor GrimmBugged.

If you would like a hand Killing him just tell me a name, time and realm and I will gladly help you.

Petty Officer
Dec 16, 2010
I finally was able to finish the Miranda Dungeon after the 3rd time. I have also noticed that you are so dealing with the same bugs I had too. At the end of each round by companions were losing 200-250 damage per round!!! It was outrageous and I stressful too.

Apr 23, 2010
Have you tried attacking one enemy at a time? I finished that quest with my Swash easy. Also, try to take out the ranged units first, that always helps as a Swashbuckler. Also, are you getting good companions? If you want to win that fight hope for Sarah Steele, Mustang Sally, and El Toro.

Bristly Kevin

Dec 18, 2012
Major Grimm? Personally i walked distractly on him, i remember him just because he has bugged animations :), but also when i gone to Miranda i was overlevelled for the area since i did ALL side quests of the game before of it, after this and as someone else already told you, if he focus on you, you should focus on him .

May 01, 2012
I've been through Miranda twice - once each with two different characters (Swashbuckler & Musketeer) - and didn't have any problems (Obviously, the second time was faster than the first). But like the previous poster, I did all the side quests, so I was probably leveled appropriately. My biggest annoyance was pages not regenerating (prayer book quest) and not getting credit for all the dead pirates I killed.

And as a huge Firefly fan, I just got such a kick out of "Miranda" (and all the other Firefly references - I hope there are more in the future!!).

Dec 30, 2012
Ugh i hate MAYOR GRIMM! He glitches when he shoots: It looks like some of the ghosts and Mayor Grimm shoot from their boots! There is one more glitch from your companions: your companions get hurt by themselves without getting hurt, this is the worst glitch of all!!!!!! Well at least i'm level 50 and i passed through Miranda! One day i'm going to get that dungeon for revenge! Husky Lily Cormac, Level 50 Hope someone fixes these glitches

Gunner's Mate
May 08, 2010
iUnknowned on Feb 11, 2013 wrote:
After getting up to Mayor Grimm for the second time, I have died once again. I am getting annoyed and frustrated at having to do this dungeon once again for the third time. And barely anyone is at Haunted Skyway so I have no hope of asking anyone to help me. And none of my friends are on. All the people with Mayor Grimm, are attacking one companion the whole time. Leaving me defenless with only one other companion and me. I find it annoying also how Mayor Grimm is always glitching and won't attack. He stands there and my companions are losing close to 200 health!! I am a level 35 Swashbuckler and I have finished this quest with my Privateer with out a sweat. Please anyone give me so tips, so I can go to Deacon and then carry on to Mooshu. I find it annoying to have to do it a third time.
i did that on my witchdoctor and had no probluem and i beat this duengon without losing a companion but why are you having a probluem if i am not?

two faced terry cog level 50
victorious henri fluke level 25/26
luke level 11
smart hannah level 6

its a bug all in all.

Sep 24, 2012
I killed captain blood than my computer shut down Silver Bruno fennel level 36 privateer

Sep 24, 2012
hebytr on Mar 30, 2013 wrote:
I killed captain blood than my computer shut down Silver Bruno fennel level 36 privateer
Level 40 now beat Miranda Silver Bruno fenner level 40 privateer

Jan 30, 2013
look if you need help there come find me my name is fearless wolf i witchdoctor and almost level fifty i one level under that level

Gunner's Mate
Nov 01, 2012
iUnknowned on Feb 11, 2013 wrote:
After getting up to Mayor Grimm for the second time, I have died once again. I am getting annoyed and frustrated at having to do this dungeon once again for the third time. And barely anyone is at Haunted Skyway so I have no hope of asking anyone to help me. And none of my friends are on. All the people with Mayor Grimm, are attacking one companion the whole time. Leaving me defenless with only one other companion and me. I find it annoying also how Mayor Grimm is always glitching and won't attack. He stands there and my companions are losing close to 200 health!! I am a level 35 Swashbuckler and I have finished this quest with my Privateer with out a sweat. Please anyone give me so tips, so I can go to Deacon and then carry on to Mooshu. I find it annoying to have to do it a third time.
You had a problem beating miranda i actually thought it was a little too easy dont get me wrong it was fun but the mobs were easy to defeat for me i found deacon a challenge i nearly died with all my companions dead and me with like 100 health left if you have problem its because your not leveled high enough i did miranda when i was at lvl 37 you said you were level 35 not a good lvl to do that duengon especially against the ghosts so my advice is do a lot of side quests like the ones that give you lots of xp and level up your your companions a few lvls and try again i had that same trouble when i first came to valencia i hadnt done a single side quests and no matter how hard i tried the clockswork kept beating me around like a ragdoll so follow my advice and the next time you go to miranda you wont break a sweat good luck and hope to see you in the game some time
Find me in the game
Slick Cody Jonesprivateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkinsswashbuckler lvl 44 always on realm Avery

May 06, 2012
I soloed Miranda the hard thing is that there are a TON of fights other than that i thought it was easy.

Petty Officer
Nov 05, 2009
I thought the Miranda Dungeon was "Such Fun!" Yarr if you get it

Apr 26, 2010
Im farming Miranda to get Captain Bloods Gear its so much fun in my opinion

Mar 30, 2011
alphawolf8484 on Apr 2, 2013 wrote:
look if you need help there come find me my name is fearless wolf i witchdoctor and almost level fifty i one level under that level
well im level 50 all ready and im fighting 47-49 guys this is weird but who cares its eaiser! and i might go along go help you with who ever needs help and to all of you who get hurt randomly by nothing i did not work on me it did but it did not do much damage plus el toro was to good

Sep 24, 2012
Need help? If so you can join test realm and find me lvl fifty eight privateer silver Bruno fenner

Feb 23, 2013
something harder than Miranda- buck broncos cave 1 you cant skip a fight 2 before you attack bronco (I call him Drunko) you have to solo 3 spiders with no companions

Nov 17, 2012
I have gotten to Captain Blood. I kept on picking El Toro (deals the most damage), but I also like to use Kobe, Bonnie, Scratchy, Billy, and Nadya. I used El Toro, Nadya, and Scratch and FAILED. Did the same with him, Kobe, and Bonnie and the same happened. El Toro died so quick I was unable to heal him in the next round. How? He was there, then I left, then when I came back his portrait was MISSING. And all of a sudden while playing, an extra Skeletal Pirate and Skeletal Corsair popped up. I left again, then the same happened to Nadya and me. Billy was at red and he eventually died. I lost the fight 3 times in a row. Miranda isn't as fun as I thought it would be.

Pretty Cheryl Walker level 34

Petty Officer
Jun 10, 2013
Petty Officer
Sep 23, 2012
they must have updated it sense i last beat it it was easy in my day. aka 4 or 5 months ago.

Terror of the Armada Strong William SharpLevel 65

p.s how do i get ranks?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
CheeryCherry1234 on Jul 27, 2013 wrote:
I have gotten to Captain Blood. I kept on picking El Toro (deals the most damage), but I also like to use Kobe, Bonnie, Scratchy, Billy, and Nadya. I used El Toro, Nadya, and Scratch and FAILED. Did the same with him, Kobe, and Bonnie and the same happened. El Toro died so quick I was unable to heal him in the next round. How? He was there, then I left, then when I came back his portrait was MISSING. And all of a sudden while playing, an extra Skeletal Pirate and Skeletal Corsair popped up. I left again, then the same happened to Nadya and me. Billy was at red and he eventually died. I lost the fight 3 times in a row. Miranda isn't as fun as I thought it would be.

Pretty Cheryl Walker level 34
Lol, That skeletal crew is for your benefit. They come out of the barrels that as you destroy you release them to help you.

Nov 17, 2012
iUnknowned on Feb 11, 2013 wrote:
After getting up to Mayor Grimm for the second time, I have died once again. I am getting annoyed and frustrated at having to do this dungeon once again for the third time. And barely anyone is at Haunted Skyway so I have no hope of asking anyone to help me. And none of my friends are on. All the people with Mayor Grimm, are attacking one companion the whole time. Leaving me defenless with only one other companion and me. I find it annoying also how Mayor Grimm is always glitching and won't attack. He stands there and my companions are losing close to 200 health!! I am a level 35 Swashbuckler and I have finished this quest with my Privateer with out a sweat. Please anyone give me so tips, so I can go to Deacon and then carry on to Mooshu. I find it annoying to have to do it a third time.
Amen, sister! I went through the SAME issue once. I remember... -shudders-

Jan 17, 2013
i dont know what you guys are yappin about, i beat mayer grimm EASY!