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Why must everything be so expensive?

Mar 02, 2013
Hey I was wondering why is everything in Pirate101 and Wizard101 so expensive and why must everything cost crowns? like not everyone can afford to buy crowns. something new comes out I get so excited "oh we can teleport to other worlds now!" i look i see members pay money non-members pay crowns . Then i see tournaments in wizard101 "Oh no way!!" cost: 400 crowns, like really kingsisle. it would help if you lower the prices for things...

May 06, 2009
honesttaylor12 on Jul 4, 2013 wrote:
Hey I was wondering why is everything in Pirate101 and Wizard101 so expensive and why must everything cost crowns? like not everyone can afford to buy crowns. something new comes out I get so excited "oh we can teleport to other worlds now!" i look i see members pay money non-members pay crowns . Then i see tournaments in wizard101 "Oh no way!!" cost: 400 crowns, like really kingsisle. it would help if you lower the prices for things...
Ah, the age old questions comes back around.

I've seen this question come up a lot and here's my theory:

Kingsisle does a lot for you and the community. They go big in a ton of areas. I've noticed how artworks and concepts have changed from the original desgins in previous worlds of Wizard101. There more detailed then before and probably go for more than the old stuff, but the new art looks way better than the old and Kingsisle will stop at nothing to do high quality and exceptional graphic appeal.
Look at releasing Marleybone and Aquila at once. That's a big cost compared to just coming out with one. I haven't even begun to add in the mountain of updates the did, plus the pebbles that came afterwards. Not only that, but they promote other products that are not as money-making as Wizard101 and Pirate101. I'm not sure how popular the Ravenwood Radio and Grub Guardian are, but if more things need to be for Crowns in Wizard101 and Pirate101, then I'd assume not a lot. The reason for piling up most items into the Crowns section is because Kingsisle has to pay for just a lot of things.
I don't think they do it because they just want your money or that they simply look for your wallet or to annoy you (what sense does that make in a buisness? lol) I've never seen the price tag on the whole of these games, but I have a feeling I'd have a heart attack over it. I think they sometimes grit their teeth at the amount of Crowns they have to release, fully aware of feedback of too much Crowns from the people. I would too if I was in their position, knowing I've already angered like 50% of the community. But it's a thing they have to do if they want their games to stay afloat.

You on the other hand, don't have to spend anything on either game and still be pretty content. If you didn't know, Pirate101 is the master of dropped gear. You can find some sick stuff that beats Crowns gear and looks way cooler. Same for Wizard101. While not as prominent in drops, Crafted gear and funiture items are very nice (I'm huge fan of Crafting). I know some people don't have the time to craft or aren't big Gardeners and the game might feel suck-y to them. Life's not fair, but it doesn't mean you can't find something to love.

As far as what you've brought up, the reason Non-members pay Crowns is it's just another perk why some should consider being Members. And I've always found 100 Crowns for Transportalers to be pretty fair. It's not like it's 500 Crowns and an arm and a leg. Plus you can still rock the skies and go from place to place and see the beautiful Skyways for free. As for Tourneys, if you know you want to do that (and I stress want), I'd suggest setting a budget and only doing so many Tournaments. If you don't like your first try, don't spend anymore and find something else you might like. Also did you know Tournaments used to be 1499cs and 899 for Members? Yeah, I was happy they brought it down at all

See you in the Spiral!

Jul 27, 2012
I agree with you, Finnigan. These games are excellent value for the money. I am a crowns player on Wizard101 and for quite some time also on Pirate101, until I decided to become a member for Pirate101. I have a family, and have to budget, so crowns were (and are) primarily to open areas for playing, and considering how much fun my family and I have playing these games, I felt it was money well spent. You can indeed get by very nicely without paying crowns for anything other than areas, relying a lot on drops -- and in Wizard, crafting. I love crafting in Wizard, as I love both handwork and chemistry (really, biochemistry) and its history in real life. Of course, for birthdays and Christmas (and sometimes just a special pack in Wizard) for my kids I enjoy splurging a little and giving them virtual presents (pets are especially appreciated!). As far as the crowns cost for the transportalators, well, that is strictly optional anyway. I rarely use them, as I like sailing around the various skyways.

I decided to become a member of Pirate101 when I realized this was a game we played a lot... and so a year subscription at the discounted rate when it swung around I felt to be a reasonable budget decision (and it was my birthday). Plus, I confess, I wanted to play on the message boards! (Burning questions for Blind Mew, you know). And I was dying of curiosity about what was going to happen next, so I wanted the privilege of playing in the test realm (which was loads of fun!)

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Well said Finnigan. Well thought out and really shows how you think about things in an unselfish way and you stop to look at the big picture. It shows that you have a lot of wisdom and don't hesitate to share it. Thank you. You are one of those people I would love to sit down with and share a glass of yum and one of Emma's delicacies and pick your brain & exchange thoughts. I like how you see the world and I would love to hear more.