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Why isn't my membership working?

Oct 19, 2013
I recently purchased a Pirate101 Memebership, but it has not shown through in both the game, and paypal. A friend told me this is normal, and I just need to wait an hour. I waited several hours and nothing happened. After me sleeping over it, I came back on to find that it is exactly the same. On the website, I am obviously a member (because I can post this subject), but I am very worried that there might be a fault, and I can't get a membership.

(Edited out personal information - One-Eyed Jack)

I contacted Customer Support, and your account is active; however, there are no characters on the account you activated. There is a good chance that you have activated membership on the wrong account; please send an email to, and they'll help you sort out which account you intended to activate membership for.

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Oct 19, 2013
One-Eyed Jack on Nov 12, 2013 wrote:
I contacted Customer Support, and your account is active; however, there are no characters on the account you activated. There is a good chance that you have activated membership on the wrong account; please send an email to, and they'll help you sort out which account you intended to activate membership for.
Thanks very much, I shall do that now.

Nov 07, 2012
my cousion mom brought him a one month membership on here but when we tryed to do the mission it keep on telling him to become a member do he really have to wait and hour so he could use his one month membership text me back so i can let him know my name is noble black zest

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
madmangotchicken on Jan 20, 2014 wrote:
my cousion mom brought him a one month membership on here but when we tryed to do the mission it keep on telling him to become a member do he really have to wait and hour so he could use his one month membership text me back so i can let him know my name is noble black zest
Whenever I did membership buying it was always available right away. Not sure what is going on to cause the delay. Perhaps they, also should contact support to double check and be sure.

madmangotchicken on Jan 20, 2014 wrote:
my cousion mom brought him a one month membership on here but when we tryed to do the mission it keep on telling him to become a member do he really have to wait and hour so he could use his one month membership text me back so i can let him know my name is noble black zest
Hi! There is a possibility you were logged in at the time of purchasing the one-month membership. If this was the case, you simply need to log out and log back in order for the membership benefits to begin.

If the problem persists, definitely contact and they will be able to assist you.

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*