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Where can I spend my gold to find something useful

Petty Officer
Apr 27, 2012
I have hit the 200K gold limit. However, I have found nothing in the auction house that has better items for either me or my ship than I currently have. Where else can I buy some useful, high end, equipment for either me or my ship?

Apr 28, 2012
You can always buy houses for Gold. Just be ready to pay 3500 Crowns for a Housing Space Elixir so you have somewhere to put your house. I think you have either 2 or 3 free slots for Houses when you start the game. After that, you'll need the elixir.

Not sure what level you are at in the game. You can always spend Gold on ships of different sizes that you may not need and outfit them (which I have done to keep the good equipment that I find). Just make sure that you have enough Gold for the next level of ship you need. I don't spend Crowns on Ships since they can't be traded among my Pirates. I have found that once I reach a new world (and sometimes when I have quests that I can't do without a new ship), I almost always have to get a new ship.

Another thing to spend Gold on is Training Tomes for your Companions. Enough Tomes and you can raise your Companions to the same level you are at even if it is 65th level. You can also use the Tomes to raise the Companions that you don't intend to use. Who knows, you might find some good ones in the pile.

You can always spend Gold on Housing items for you different houses. Make them into real showcases. I'm not into this but some people are.

You can also spend Gold on equipment for your Pirate which can help in land battles and hand-to-hand ship combat. I recommend spending money on Weapons first since this seems to make the most difference me. Then on the other equipment to either enhance my fighting skills, defensive skills, or increase my health.

Petty Officer
Apr 27, 2012
Thanks for your response. However, I already have better equipment for my pirate and ship than found in the auction house. I also don't need tomes at level 64, although raising companions that I thought I wouldn't use might be beneficial.

I have a level 54 Marleybone ship with attack and defense of 108. Where can I buy better ships?

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
The Helpful Pirate gave some excellent options on how to spend your overflowing gold. I thought that I would add something that I also spend gold on as well, which may or may not even be an option for you.

All of my companions are maxed, the only gear I still wish to acquire can't be bought with gold, my maxed pirate that I play has all 5 class houses and plenty of furnishings for each. So that leaves little to spend gold on besides unsuccessfully trying out some good ol' pet morphing and paying to reset companions for experimental purposes.

When, I am close to max gold or at max gold and there is nothing that I really need or want to spend gold on, I often by the Housing items, Large Pile of Treasure from the Marleybone Housing Vendor (for 150,000 gold) or Huge Pile of Treasure from the Aquila Housing Vendor (for 200,000). This works well for me, only because I have 5 other very low level pirates and I can leave these items to them to sell (for painfully reduced prices). This helps me unload a lot of gold at once so that I can start all over again and can also build up a nice "nest egg" for those other young pirates for when they get to furthering their adventures and purchasing ships and gear.

If you have other pirates (especially lower level ones) and your current pirate doesn't have anything it needs or wants, you can always unload the gold and pass some of it on in this manner to your other pirates to give them a good head start in the Spiral.

If you don't have other 'younger' pirates to pass the gold onto, then disregard this message, as it will soon self-destruct.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
sandy20850 on May 26, 2014 wrote:
Thanks for your response. However, I already have better equipment for my pirate and ship than found in the auction house. I also don't need tomes at level 64, although raising companions that I thought I wouldn't use might be beneficial.

I have a level 54 Marleybone ship with attack and defense of 108. Where can I buy better ships?
There are ship venders on Nova Aquila where you can get your Eagle ships

Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2011
Chrissy Th'Blesser on May 27, 2014 wrote:
There are ship venders on Nova Aquila where you can get your Eagle ships
Yes, and a nice fellow across from him selling parts for it

First Mate
Mar 30, 2011
There are sooo many ways to spend gold on useful items.

1. The Bazaar - The bazaar is filled with many amazing and useful items, sometimes new items may appear too! Not to mention it has the gear for every pirate class, you can even buy gear and furnishings that look stylish in your opinion, you can even buy ship equipment for your ship to make it better in battle or make it look better to show off.

2. NPC Vendors - There are many vendors throughout the spiral, they can sell ships which many pirates like to bottle up and collect, ship equipment for every origin and level, gear for every pirate class and level, snacks and pet gear to help train your pets into Skull Island's champion pets, Housing items that are really unique to each world, skyway and race in the game, there are even some vendors that offer rental mounts for you to use in a set period of time.

3. The Crown Shop - The crown shop offers many items that can be bought with gold, these being mostly housing items and houses, but houses are another thing that quite a few pirates like to collect, each house is extremely unique, especially the class houses! (Note: The Haunted Grotto is a bit spooky!), and there are housing items and sets available that match each class house.

4. Companions - If you want to modify a company then another way to usefully spend gold is to reset companions, I am sure many of us have reset our companions just to try and find the stats they need for our strategies. Also, you can spend gold on training points if any of your companions are not at your level if you don't want to wait for them to finish brawling or for your same-level companions to finish keel-hauling.

5. Pets - If you have maxed out pets you should go to the morphing tent in Bestia and try your luck at obtaining a rare hybrid pet!

There are allot of other ways to spend gold usefully but these seem to be the main ways.
Hope this helped!

Nov 23, 2011
Well, now there is pet breeding. Hint for those elusive hybrids!

One of my high-level characters who has had this problem just keeps buying more cannon housing items and wringing her class house with them...


Petty Officer
Apr 27, 2012
Although people are recommending buying house items and even more houses, what exactly do houses do other than look cool? Why would I even need more than one house?