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Oct 21, 2012
At the end of book 14 a Caligastro. G. is mentioned but it's so vague isn't it possible the sentence is intended as " Find Caligastro." (Signed As) G.? Anyone else been stumped by that or is it more of that Caligastro is a skyway/estate in Valencia and if so will it go in some twist where you're working there gives the Armada opportunity to take higher control over their territory? What if you sneak into Casmir's estate to slap realization into him then when the Armada notices this they secretly end his show and world spread a rumor of his being a pirate and traitor to his country, then the armada has even more power over Valencian territory, the fact King Casmir was mentioned so much in Mew's Musings and the fact " The next skyway starts with C, and it's not for cookie," suggests Caligastro might be a place and "G." might be the initial for the toymaker, and this is a far step, what if the toymaker was the one who invented the clockworks? The Armada has reasons to take him out for his clockworks messages were specifically coded for machines to find it unreadable, and if so Kane would obviously find him to dangerous for his sake to exist so he must have an important reason not to take him out. At the same time The toymaker knows Kane's weakness or weaknesses, so the Armada must need the toymaker for them to keep someone so dangerous to them fore some reason. And at the same time, the Toymaker has to be in Valencia for he had to have been there long enough to understand the elite's weaknesses and that would make him to dangerous to be found in anywhere less guarded than the hub of the factory. Basically it seems safe to say the toymaker and the clockwork's inventor are either the same person or either close by family or friendship if the clockwork inventor is dead by now, but Avery is still alive and he's been in the war so why can't the inventor of our persistent friends be alive as well as the Toymaker himself ? If anyone else is feeling a similar spread of ideas tell me, I don't know if I'm overthinking possibilities because of anticipation for Valencia part 2 or what