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how to get text chat in pirate101

Jul 15, 2013
Help I need to know how to get text chat in pirate101 I need to know how because my friends have it and menu chat wont let me tell them all the quest I am working on but only most quests please respond it says I need parental or guardian permission how do you get that thx

If you are unable to use the chat function It is possible that your account does not have Filtered Text Chat enabled. Accounts set up as over age 13 players are able to use the Filtered Text Chat.

If you have an account that is over age 13 and can still not chat, you might need to enable the feature. To enable Filtered Text Chat you must login to and select "My Accounts". Under the "Parental Controls" tab, login with your master password and select the level of chat you desire for the selected account. The selected account is highlighted in a yellow box to the left of the chat options.

Filtered Text Chat for players with under age 13 accounts can only be turned on by a parent/guardian over the age of 18. The parent/guardian must validate his/her age by buying a Membership or Crowns with a valid credit card.

Open Chat is for Members over age 18. The player must validate his/her age by buying a Membership with a valid credit card.

If you have previously been able to use Filtered Chat and no longer can access it, it is possible that you have been reported for harassment or other misconduct. Please contact Customer Support using the "Contact Us" tab above or by sending an email to

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*